Featured image by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

If you wish to invest in influencer marketing and move an item on Amazon, it’s only natural that you would like to cooperate with influencers who are AMZ affiliates. Recently, the marketplace presented its own Amazon Influencer Program, admitting that influencer marketing is here to stay and giving influencers their virtual storefronts to help them monetize their blogs and associated community.

As a result, both brands and bloggers should be interested in this phenomenon. So, how does it work? Let’s examine it in more detail.

What Is the Amazon Influencer Program?

Simply put, the Amazon Influencers Program is a method to promote goods and get rewarded. For instance, you’re creative and have a consistent qualifying target audience on your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter account, or YouTube channel. In this case, you can begin promoting AMZ seller items and earn a commission for your job.

This does not mean that the programs’ eligibility conditions include a vast number of subscribers. The platform is available for nano- and micro-influencers alongside influential bloggers like Business Insider or Today Show.

How Does the Program Work?

If you wish to become a blogger and are an existing user of the marketplace, you should apply for the program via your selling account. Otherwise, you will have to register a profile on Amazon.

As the AMZ Associates solution, the Influencer Program helps users to promote various goods and receive part of the sales they bring to the marketplace.

The significant difference is how participants can direct their target audience traffic toward the goods they endorse. Whereas with the Associate’s Program, members can only share affiliate links for individual goods on their social media accounts or websites, Influencer Program users create their custom stores on Amazon.

That way, subscribers can check all of an influencer’s item recommendations together with just one link. Bloggers can even categorize various types of goods within their stores for simple navigation.

Influencer stores come with simple custom URLs (for example, amazon.com/shop/yoursocialmediahandle). So it is straightforward for followers to recall how to find them. Next, bloggers share their AMZ store links across social media channels such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or their own website.


Who Can Join?

The application page for the Amazon Influencer Program clearly admits applications from “all kinds of influencers.”

That being said, now they are searching for the following when assessing your application. That is, that require you to:

  • Own an account on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube or Facebook.
  • Have a considerable number of subscribers on your profile(s).
  • Keep the right engagement metrics on your profile(s).

Part of the enrollment process needs you to authorize the marketplace to access your social media profile. Therefore, if you do not have proper engagement from your subscribers, AMZ will figure it out pretty fast.

Generally speaking, the marketplace works with people with a record of driving product sales via social media. In other words, Amazon looks for individuals who already have a relatively large social media following and publish high-quality content.

It signifies that social butterflies and more skilled influencers will likely get themselves admitted, whether they concentrate on imagery or video content.


The Amazon Influencer Program Is Sure to Stay

The solution has been around now for a couple of years. Moreover, it’s clear that the Amazon Marketplace continues to invest in the channel. Additionally, more creators and influencers continue to enroll in the program, create storefronts, and host Amazon Live streams discussing their favorite goods as well as providing live customer reviews.

Whether you’re a blogger looking to better monetize your blog or a company striving to promote more product sales on the platform, the AMZ Influencer Program is an advantageous solution. It should be part of anyone’s marketing strategy.