LinkedIn is the most business-friendly social media platform out there, full stop. If you’re not investing in your company’s LinkedIn presence, you’re essentially leaving money on the table. A lively, attractive LinkedIn company page is just one facet of a holistic LinkedIn marketing plan. But it’s a pretty important one. Here’s how to shape up your “meh” company page and achieve a degree of engagement that you never imagined possible.
InPixio Photo Clip - featured
Smartphones are getting better and better at taking photographs. However, if you want the pictures you take with your smartphone to really stand out, you owe it to yourself to check out InPixio Photo Clip. Whether you're taking pictures for business marketing purposes or for personal use, nearly every photograph you take could use a little touch up. That's where InPixio Photo Clip comes to the rescue. A simple app that works well on both Mac and PC, this software can make your pictures look a whole lot better. What's more, it is simple and easy to use.
press release
Press releases have received a lot of negative press. Many people believe they no longer matter. However, this isn’t the case. When done right, they can still be an effective tool for promoting your business. Let’s take a look at these seven tips for issuing an effective press release.
SEO game
Learning and using search engine optimization, or SEO, is essential to promoting your business. What's more, the SEO game is the biggest game in town these days. The field of SEO continues to expand and change almost daily. Developers are continuously devising new techniques and strategies. It can be overwhelming to try to keep up with it all. But if you can learn to look at it as a game—a game you can win—you can keep the SEO game in perspective.
web application
Sometimes you wonder if your small business would benefit from having its own web application. You know that every day, more and more people search first on their phones for whatever they want to buy. And you think that maybe an app for your business could bring more of that market share your way. However, all you can see are the many obstacles between you and having an app of your own. The cost and the hassle, just for starters. But there are solutions. And in this post, we tell you what those solutions are. So read on if you want to be able to tell your customers, "There's an app for that!"
online business
The ways to market an online business have changed dramatically over the last decade or so. In the past, all you needed were website and a few business cards to get your name out there. Now, there is so much more to marketing. As a matter of fact, marketing can really make or break an online business. If you don’t get the marketing right, you’ll soon find yourself left behind.
SEO tips
If you run a business, you need to be aggressive in your marketing campaign. After all, you’ll never be able to get ahead unless you’re able to outperform the competition in this key area. One of the best ways to gain more attention is by turning to the Internet. Those television and radio ads will only get you so far. The Internet can help you attract a wider and more global audience. Using search engine optimization to your advantage is key. Within this guide, you will find SEO tips for properly marketing your business online.
instagram marketing
Instagram is increasingly becoming a force to be reckoned with in the world of social media. Its 600 million users represent a wide-open opportunity for you to build your brand and improve your Instagram marketing through your own followers. All you need are the right tools, relevant hashtags, and engaging content.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to search marketing. It means optimizing your content and your site so that visitors to your website can find what they're looking for. In order to achieve SEO improvement, you need to stay on top of the changes in this ever-evolving field. Here are some of the things you must know before you begin.
web hosting - featured image
You can’t just throw up any type of website and expect positive results. Therefore, you need the best web hosting site you can find.
Whatever you're writing for your business—or paying to have written—needs to be effective. And in order to be effective, it must answer your readers' questions: what, how, and why.
digital marketing strategy
Although we're barreling toward the end of the first quarter of the year, it's not too late to plan a top-notch digital marketing strategy for 2018. Keep in mind that a gооd digital marketing ѕtrаtеgу will аrtісulаtе уоur business goals, describe thе аudіеnсе you're trуіng tо rеасh, and delineate the mоѕt соѕt-еffесtіvе methods for managing уоur tіmе аnd resources. You should also strive tо ѕtау аhеаd of thе сurvе, utilizing a tооlbоx оf thе latest trеndѕ аnd tесhnіquеѕ. In this article we describe 7 marketing trends that you can incorporate into your planning now, to put you ahead of the curve for 2018.
conversion rate
It doesn’t matter what type of business you are in. Your website's conversion rate is without a doubt one of the most important aspects of your business. You have to convert those potential customers into paying customers, and good UX design is the key.
Any new business needs to spend plenty of time and energy on its marketing campaign. That's just what it takes to get a finger hold in your business's target segment and start to carve out a share of the market. Email marketing is an important part of this effort, but it can be fraught with obstacles. The last thing your business needs is to have an email campaign that gets stuck in potential customers' spam folders. Follow these 4 steps to substantially improve the number of your messages that arrive safely in your recipients' inboxes.
quality content
The goal of quality content creation is to generate useful information that is guaranteed to engage your audience. Only a high level of linguistic prowess and verbal dexterity will properly supply you with content that accurately represents your brand. If you’re unsure about the type of content your business needs, or how to create it, get content for your website or blog from professionals who understand and appreciate the art of content creation.
If you are making any of the mistakes we discuss in this article, stop right now! While you may notice short-term gains, your long-term rankings will suffer. Quality, ethical SEO is the only surefire way to survive in the online world. And in order to deliver quality, you must write, develop and optimize for people—not Google.
Regardless of whether you see blogging as a hobby or full time job, it is one of the most profitable ways to generate passive income. And it costs little or nothing to start.
brand awareness
Are you looking to start up a business, but have no idea how to go about creating the brand awareness to actually promote it? Brand awareness is important because it’s often the first step in building advertising objectives, so those who have no brand awareness are likely to find themselves with minimal leads and little customer engagement.
To write compelling content is a choice. Either you choose to put in the time and energy it takes to represent your brand and do it well. Or you take the easy route and create boring content, a route that leads nowhere in the end. Boring content wastes energy, time, and resources. The choice is clear. To boost search engine research page (SERP) rankings and achieve your goals, you need to offer compelling content on your website or blog.
Cost-effective marketing solutions can communicate the substance of your business and put you on the road to success. For example, a focus on content marketing doesn’t have to be a huge expense. But it can give your business a much-needed boost. Just focus on providing quality content and the results are sure to follow.