Learn Digital Marketing Skills FREE via Google Primer

Yesterday I received an email in my inbox from Google Primer. I was not too sure what Google Primer was but the email insisted, “Primer is a fast, easy way to learn new business and digital marketing skills in 5-minute bite-sized lessons.” The App was free, sounded like something I could use since I own a blog and so I downloaded the Google Primer App.

Today I received my first Primer lesson and it was really good so I thought I’d share it with you online marketers, or hopeful marketers and entrepreneurs out there so you can take full advantage of this FREE Google App.

Apparently, Google Primer launched in 2014 under a different name. Sometime later the name was changed and today it is considered a free educational app for startup and amateur marketers – to help them learn and excel with their own online marketing business.


My first Lesson:

The first lesson Google Primer sent me today was about adding video content to my blog to make it more interesting and engaging. While I realize that video is nothing new, I have not yet made any, or started a YouTube channel because I am shy. To me, the lesson was extremely relevant and helpful.

Specifically, the lesson suggested I create a plan for a series of videos with great content that both engage and teach people how to do things relating to my niche; which is business opportunities. Instead of just making a video that tries to sell something, Primer offered me insight on what makes a video engaging and marketing strong.

Many bloggers and online marketers, especially new ones, create video content that attempts to sell. However, Google Primer suggests instead, that online marketers and entrepreneurs offer tips and advice on how to do things that people what to learn. So, teach instead of sell.

For instance, as a business opportunities blogger, I might create a video series that shows people how I use QuickBooks, and other software programs, to manage my business every day.


Another Great Thing:

Another great thing about the App is you can pin/save information you want to be able to find again and the lessons give you personalized next steps to take action instead of forgetting about what you just learned.

Overall, Google Primer offered me a terrific first lesson. In under 10 minutes, I had started creating a video marketing plan and was thinking about other ways I could add great video content to my blog. I am still shy, but I know I need to do it.

If you have an online business already, or are looking to start one, Google Primer might be very helpful for you. It certainly helped me.


Where to find the App:

Visit this Google Page to have the App link sent to your phone

RELATED ARTICLE: If you are not already using Google Analytics for your business you should be.