Would you like to create your dream lifestyle? Well, you're not the only one. Most of us want to find a way to live the life of our dreams. For many of us, it's that we want to be able to work from anywhere. Others dream of having an 8-figure dream lifestyle. But how does someone get to that dream lifestyle when they're caught up in the daily drudgery of a full-time job they have outgrown? If you want to leave your commute behind and get out of the corporate grind, then you need to start researching what’s available. Here are some ideas to get you started.
e-commerce platforms
Are you thinking of foraying into the world of online business? Then it’s likely you’re contemplating which e-commerce platforms to go with. This is obviously one of the first thresholds to starting an online store. It’s been some time since e-commerce platforms first hit the market. Since then a lot has evolved. It’s interesting to see which of the current e-commerce platforms will serve your needs well. Here are some you can consider.
There is no doubt that business owners and consumers alike share a considerable concern for cybersecurity issues. Take your e-commerce website, for instance. Have you ever lain awake at night wondering if it would pass a cybersecurity test? Read on to find out about 3 areas where you can make improvements to better protect your business.
smart shopper
Imagine that after a long day of running your business, you go into your kitchen to find your refrigerator making strange sounds. What's more, a large, unsightly puddle spreads out from under it over your kitchen floor. You check to see what’s wrong. You unplug it and make a casserole with the perishable foods. Then you try to turn into a smart shopper with what's left of your day. You start looking for a replacement.
What keywords should you target on your website? This is a question that often plagues webmasters. It’s easy to fire up your favorite keyword research tool and find high volume search queries, but figuring out the exact keywords to focus on proves more difficult than you’d imagine. This becomes evident once you factor in user intent and the sales funnel. That's because keyword research isn’t just about generating traffic. Ultimately, it’s about converting visitors into real customers.
When people hear the phrase "grow your business," they often think that physical expansion is an essential part of that growth. It's true that expanding into larger office spaces or opening additional locations may be essential at some point in your business’s growth. However, those things aren’t necessary at every stage. In fact, you may be looking for ways to grow your business without having to put a huge down payment on a new office space. If that’s the case, here are 3 suggestions for doing just that.
When you're running an online business, there are a few mistakes you must avoid, whether you're a rookie or an expert. However, the subject of this article is a mistake that many online entrepreneurs make, even if they've been around a while. And what is that mistake? It is a failure to follow up with customers who placed an item in the cart but didn’t complete the purchase.
It's essential for shipped products to be appealing. After all, they’re the only tangible interaction your e-commerce store has with a customer. Therefore, you need to find ways to pamper that customer. And when you're an e-commerce entrepreneur, you have to do that pampering with great packaging. Packaging is your first and only in-person impression. If you want to acquire regular customers, that impression must be a good one.
Product returns are an inevitable part of any business’s operations. However, while brick-and-mortar stores see about 10% of their sales returned, e-commerce businesses face three times that much—up to 30%. So if you operate an e-commerce business, it would behoove you to revisit your company’s returns management strategies.
If you think about it, ecommerce sites aren’t the wave of the future. They are the wave of now! And it seems like everyone is in love with the ease and convenience of shopping online. This rings true for city dwellers with numerous stores in their area. And it's also true for rural folks who live a considerable distance from the nearest retail outlet. In short, there has never been a better time to get your ecommerce store up and running. And with a few helpful hints, you’ll be able to provide your customers with stellar experiences.
The evolution of technology means that small- and medium-sized businesses can now compete with larger organizations in international markets. Moreover, recent data from OECD (the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) shows that 9 of 14 member nations have business creation trending upward. This is encouraging news for new entrepreneurs. But there are a few precautionary measures a small or startup business should take before plunging into overseas adventures. Here are 4 hacks for entrepreneurs entering global markets.
As we near 2018, the “mobile first” mantra should seem like old news to savvy marketers. For the first time in history, mobile officially accounts for more than 50% of all web traffic. If your retail website isn’t already optimized for mobile traffic, or at least responsive to small-screen viewing, it’s time to get on the stick. Use these 7 mobile design tips to turn casual visitors into committed customers.
e-ecommerce business - featured image
Launching an e-commerce business isn’t for the faint of heart. Even if you have the most brilliant idea for a product or service, you still have lots of competition to face and some tough challenges to overcome. Here’s what you need to know.
the internet
The Internet is the way to fame, fortune and the gilded lifestyle you have always dreamed of, right? You can slap up a website, place your products on there and wait for the wads of cash to roll in, right? Wrong. However, if you have a great idea and a knack for sniffing out opportunity, then do at least one thing every day that will move you closer to making your online dreams come true.
So you’re looking to take your first tentative steps into the world of online business? Or perhaps you’re already selling in a physical store and want to make the switch to ecommerce instead? From industry growth to payment gateways, this article looks at the most recent trends of 2017 and predicts how you can stay ahead of the pack in the industry this coming year.
More than 200 million shoppers are going to be spending money online this year. There’s never going to be a better time to start that new ecommerce business you’ve been thinking about. If you want to start an ecommerce business and sell products online, this checklist will guide you through it.
While the growth of e-commerce has been exponential in recent years, you can be sure that more changes are still to come. Now is a good time to jump on board, as it can only get better from here.
If you’ve never built an ecommerce website before, then there’s a lot that you need to learn before taking the leap. The difference between an average site and an excellent site can mean millions of dollars per year. But do you know which factors matter? The answers may surprise you.
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Learn Digital Marketing Skills FREE via Google Primer Yesterday I received an email in my inbox from Google Primer. I was not too sure what Google Primer was but the email insisted, “Primer is a fast,...
If you want your customers to find you online easily, you’ll need to follow some recognized techniques for search engine optimization, usually referred to as SEO. If the internet’s search engines can’t find you online, your customers won’t find you either. So if you’re building an online business, SEO, as daunting as it can seem at first, is an area you really need to learn about. To get you started, we offer 4 ethical SEO strategies that have been proven to work.