When you’re trying to get your business out of debt, you have some options. However, regardless of what you choose to do, you’ll need to consider the tax consequences of debt relief.
If your small business is struggling under a mountain of debt, you might try seeking out a debt consolidation loan. Doing so could give you some breathing room going forward and allow you to provide better service to your customers right now.
Your credit score and credit reports can affect your business in profound ways. A low score, late payments, or errors on your credit report could mean that you pay higher interest rates—if you can get approved for credit in the first place. However, with free credit reports and free credit scores, you can better manage your finances. But first, there are some things you need to know and understand.
If you have made the mistake of using your personal credit to fund your startup, you might be in over your head. In that case, there’s hope—a personal loan for debt consolidation. The beauty of a personal loan for debt consolidation that is it’s an awesome way to eliminate high-interest credit cards and other high-interest loans by consolidating them all into one low-cost loan.
Do you have a great idea for a business? Before you can turn that idea into a revenue-producing machine, you’ll need to acquire some money. This capital can come from a variety of sources, but do you even know where to start? For a first time business owner, the complexities of financing can be difficult to master. Here are some tips you may find helpful.
Raising the funds to get your business started is probably one of the most difficult hurdles you’ll have to face as a new business owner. If you’ve been struggling to pull the capital together so that you can get going with your business, we’ve got some fresh ideas for you.
Raising money is the toughest hurdle any entrepreneur has to face. As soon as you mention the words “money” and “startup” in the same sentence, doors slam in your face and acquaintances dash across the street to avoid having to say hello to you. If you find yourself stalling when you think about raising money for your startup, consider the suggestions here.
Setting up or expanding your business can be a very daunting affair. A point often comes when you need to source help from outside. Financing is one such area. However, lack of funding should never be the reason you give up on your endeavors. Take a look at how to navigate this prickly challenge.
Debt financing is a growing funding platform that has gained immense popularity among budding entrepreneurs. In this article we discuss the different types of debt financing, when you need it and why it makes sense.
Is your business still relying on paper invoices? If so, you might want to think about making a change to a faster, easier, paperless and cloud-based system. Faster invoicing means faster cash flow. Here are 3 steps to get you there.
Every business owner knows that cash flow is the life blood of any company. Here is a great article to show you how to make sure you have adequate cash flow all year and never bleed out.
FICC Business Loans & Your Business Many years ago, the United States took actions to ensure that government securities and mortgage based securities could be settled systematically. In doing so, the government effectively created the Fixed...
What You Need to Know About Unsecured Loans As a business-owner. you probably understand how erratic the economy can be. The truth is, no matter how great your business is today, there may be times when...
bad credit
There are various reasons why you or your business might have a bad credit history. Perhaps you missed a loan payment or had a lien placed against you. Whatever happened in the past, there are always options available to you to repair your credit and move forward.
This is such a article. It comes to us from John Rampton from Killerstartups.com. It is about changing your mindset to think outside the box and find money for your business. It is a quick read with just 3 simple steps but they really make a lot of sense. If you are struggling to find money for your business - it is a must read.
business's growth
Whether your business is just a dream or something you're already deeply involved with, a professional loan can provide the boost your company needs. For operations of all sizes, credit can be an integral part of expansion, growth and success, and rather than seeing credit as a liability, it's important to recognize its role as an investment into the future of your business. To illustrate, here's a look at a few of the ways a professional loan can help ramp up your business's growth.
No matter how long you have been a franchise operator or have been following the industry, franchising continues to change.