If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s important that you learn from others. There are countless resources out there that are available to you, meaning that if you’re trying to go forward with blinders on, you’re hurting...
One of the most memorable episodes of Shark Tank featured former service men and women pitching their ideas. Marines, soldiers and sailors were all represented, but how did they fare in these choppy waters?
Are you the type of person willing to try new things? Will you drop what doesn’t work and keep what does? If so, the following ideas will help you get started making your own money immediately.
Not only will these books have plenty of advice available, they’ll also remind you that others have faced these challenges before and succeeded.
Being an entrepreneur has never been easy. However, with the following tools, you’ll probably find yourself making more progress in the near future.
Whether you’re a customer of SkinnyShirt or not, it was a great idea that landed Julie Kalimian a payday on the show.
Microsoft, one of the world’s biggest tech companies, has taken on a unique partner – eighth grader Shubhamm Banerjee from Santa Clara, Calif. Together, they will build the next generation of his Braille printer on the...
There are some important lessons you could learn from one of the world’s richest men. The following are words of wisdom inspired by the Oracle of Omaha.
Here are a few hot, new food trends in 2015 and the entrepreneurs behind them, leading the charge.
Learn how the co-founder of Tipsy Elves taught himself the ins and outs of business, what he'd do differently if given the chance and the best piece of advice he has for aspiring entrepreneurs.
There’s a misconception that all entrepreneurs have one thing in common, despite their varied goals: they’re men. In reality, though, plenty of women have the entrepreneurial spirit and have gone on to do amazing things...
Instead of listening to the radio or music the next time you’re doing your commute or working out, give these podcasts a listen and take a big step toward your dreams.
underground - featured image
There are a growing number of businesses calling a very unique environment home. Just how unique? Well, these businesses are completely underground, in subterranean spaces that were once mines.
How friendly or unfriendly a location in the United States can be to small business depends on a great number of things.
A brother and sister tandem who founded Missouri Star Quilt Company in 2008 were awarded Small Business Persons of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration.
It’s major appeal for entrepreneurs wanting to break into retail? Lower startup and overhead costs, while being able to maintain personal interaction with customers that you just can’t get from e-commerce.
Monday kicked off National Small Business Week, a week-long event put on by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) in celebration of entrepreneurs and small business owners all across the country. Need a quick recap?
Monday kicked off National Small Business Week, a week-long event put on by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) in celebration of entrepreneurs and small business owners all across the country. Need a quick recap?
If you're an entrepreneur, there are a number of apps that your iPhone or Android should not be without. Here is a list of seven of them.
Monday kicked off National Small Business Week, a week-long event put on by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) in celebration of entrepreneurs and small business owners all across the country. Need a quick recap?