When you’re starting your own company, the internal aspects of running your business are naturally your highest priority. However, don’t allow yourself to get so caught up in the never-ending cycle of daily tasks that you neglect to create your company’s most powerful tools—establishing your company’s image and building your brand. Here we will go through all the stages of building your brand, from defining your vision to the execution of the plan with a business website.
Google Primer App Image
Learn Digital Marketing Skills FREE via Google Primer Yesterday I received an email in my inbox from Google Primer. I was not too sure what Google Primer was but the email insisted, “Primer is a fast,...
Image of iMac Computer for Apple Home Advisor Jobs
Work from Home with Apple Home Advisor Jobs “Make your passion a profession” is what Apple says the job can mean to you. Are you looking for a way to make money from home? Do you like...
Image of Blogger Danielle Moss
Source: Entrepreneur.com I am all for empowering women out there. This is a very inspiring video and article from Entrepreneur.com about two women who decided to start a women's life style blog and just did it!...
theft - featured image
Identity theft is one of the most rapidly growing crimes in the world. What’s more, identity thieves target not only individuals these days, but also businesses both large and small. When identity thieves target a business, they use information about that business they find on the company’s website and social media accounts and use that information to obtain credit in the company’s name, often causing grave harm. However, there are some concrete steps you can take to protect your business from identity theft. Read on for more.
Your business had a beginning, which means it might always have a potential end. For many owners, unfortunately, that involves running out of money or otherwise going under. Even if your business is a steady and thriving success, at some point you ought to determine what the “end point” might be, as well as how you’re going to get there. Companies generally don’t last forever, and those that do eventually have to change hands. Not only will you need to plan for the future of your firm, you’ll need to plan for your own future as well—and the further you plan ahead, the better. Here are some areas of consideration.
Are you thinking of becoming your own boss? Have you spotted a gap in the market and have an incredible business idea? Most people will need a little help to get their bright ideas off the ground. Here are 5 simple steps to help you build a solid and successful business.
I mean, who wouldn’t want to be their own boss? You set your own hours, enjoy all the profits, and most of all, there is no boss breathing down your neck all day. Read on to discover how to become a successful solopreneur
How to Find Your Dream Job
The world of work can be a confusing and complicated place. If you’re coming to the end of your formal education and are wondering what sort of career to pursue, or you’re stuck in a dead-end job and are desperate for a fresh start, you need to take action now.
InventHelp can help you turn your idea into a business.
Trade shows can be costly, it’s true. With the expenses you’ll incur in the preparation of the booth, training of staff members, and cost to get to the location, the amount can pile up. However, with proper strategizing and implementation, you can get the most out of a trade show by being able to attract new clients, reach out to existing customers, and just basically getting your name and your business out there. The steps below can help you achieve trade show success, and keep yourself organized until after the event has commenced.
Business owners have a lot of things to worry about: deadlines, client happiness, profits and losses. There are enough things throughout the day to keep even the most diligent owners and managers occupied. Worrying about your relationship with suppliers should not be one of them. Suppliers are the lifeblood of any business, providing all the materials needed for your business to operate effectively and efficiently. Here are a few tips on finding the right suppliers and maintaining a lasting, profitable relationship with them: CLICK TITLE TO READ MORE
House made of cash
I realize there are a lot of real estate “flippers” out there. With all of the television programs on it makes it all look almost too easy. Most flippers will tell you that buying the property is the hardest part. Most successful flippers will also say, buying a property is when you make your money. You have to buy it right and make sure you do not over pay for the property.
Your great ideas and passion are only half the battle in running a successful business. The ability to provide adequate start-up capital is not always the only key to success either. In fact, even with large sums of cash injected into a new venture, a huge number of new startups will still fail within their first year. Why is that? Often times it from failure to plan a procedure and budget for proper advertising.
small red business
Whether one is looking to digitize their aged brick and mortar business or create something that captures the spirit and essence of their startup, it’s more important than ever to design a useful website. If a company doesn’t plan on selling anything online, that's fine. Having a website can increase credibility and give people more information to go off of before they even set foot in a physical location.
If you watch Shark Tank, one thing you may be curious about is how well the companies do once they leave the show.
It’s important to realize that the life of an entrepreneur also involves a number of unique challenges. Don’t expect that the path of entrepreneurship will be one, big, fun adventure.
Now that you are considering entry into the world of business, note that social media is a trend worth following.
Four years ago, Kate Kuepers went back to school to get a master's in education. To make a little extra money in her free time, Kate Kuepers opened up a wedding floral business out of her home.
To succeed as a startup, it’s important to know why others before you failed and learn from their mistakes. At Autopsy.io, now you have that information right at your fingertips.