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As a project manager, there will undoubtedly be times when some of the skills needed in project management are likely to be digital ones. And, with the increase in the complexity of some projects, it’s fortunate there are new project management software products constantly coming out.

There are also plenty of different technologies available to help. These are essential when it comes planning out the work involved in a project and carefully budgeting every stage. In addition, they could also help with communicating with your project team members as the project progresses.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at just some of the digital skills you can learn that can really help you as a project manager or can help you find the best one for to assist your business.

1. Project Management

If you’re a manager and have already considered software for project management but feel that it wasn’t exactly what you are looking for, then it is well worth taking another look. There numerous software options out there to choose from.

While some of them are more suited to simpler projects, there are others that can offer you a huge range of functions. They can truly help you when it comes to keeping track of everything in a much larger project.

Of course, learning how to use more complex project management software can be tricky. However, if you’re new to some of the technology, don’t be put off by this. Instead, it’s well worth making the effort to find training or tutorials to help you. 

Once you know exactly what you are doing it will help you keep track of everything that is going on with the project. Also, more importantly, you’ll see when there are issues that need dealing with.


2. Scheduling

One thing you will learn from project manager courses is that scheduling is vitally important for a project to run smoothly. However, the tools that you use are only as good as the person using them. So, it is important that you have the digital skills to help you do this.

You may find it handy to take a short course that will help you to understand exactly what you can get out of your scheduling software. Then you can make the most of this incredibly important tool.


3. Emailing

Everyone knows how to use emails, but not everyone really understands about the etiquette of emailing. Email etiquette is a vitally important digital skill that every project manager needs time to master.

The tone you use in emails is important. You need to consider that written words may be taken differently from spoken words. After all, when speaking in person, facial expressions and tone of voice can do a lot to help the person you are communicating understand the way in which you are trying to communicate with them.

Copying people into emails can often be a good idea. However, before you add everyone to an email, stop and think about whether they actually need to be included. If you are sending emails to someone who doesn’t need to see them several times a day, they may well ignore that all important email from you that they do need to see. Sometimes less is more when it comes to communication etiquette.

Final Thoughts

Are you unsure whether your project manager’s digital skills are efficient enough? Consider an online learning course so they, or you, can improve their skills before tackling the next project. This will ensure success for your business or next project.