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What is a 5G private network? What are the special features 5G networks? Find out what you need to know in this article from Uctel.


Key Principles of 5G Specifications

Uctel highlights the key principles of a 5G network:

  1. Partitioning of network nodes into elements that provide the operation of user plane (UP) protocols and elements that provide the operation of control plane (CP) protocols. This significantly increases pliability in terms of scaling and deployment. Accordingly, this allows centralized and decentralized placement of individual constituent network nodes.
  2. The division of network elements into network layers, a process technicians call “network slicing.” This supports the services provided by specific groups of end users.
  3. Implementation of network elements as virtual network functions (VNF).
  4. Support for simultaneous access to centralized and native services, which allows the concept of fog computing and edge computing.
  5. Definition of a convergent architecture, combining differing types of access networks (AN). These could include Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), which is also called new radio (NR), as well as non-3GPP (Wi-Fi and the like) with one core network (CN).


  1. Supports unified authentication algorithms and procedures (regardless of the access network type).
  2. Provides support for stateless network functions, where the compute resource is separated from the storage resource.
  3. Supports roaming with traffic routing both through the house-routed network and with local breakout within the guest network (VPLMN).

The Advantages of 5G over 4G Networks

There are several significant differences between the two technologies, which is why 5G can do things that 4G LTE can’t.

  • 5G is quicker than 4G, transmitting more bits per second over the network. Where 4G would take minutes to download a certain video, 5G would download the same file in seconds.
  • 5G has less network latency than 4G, which suggests the signal travels faster across the network. The faster your devices “communicate” with the network, the faster you get your data.
  • 5G consumes less power than 4G because the new technology can quickly switch to a lower power mode when cellular service isn’t in use. Therefore, devices can run longer on the identical battery capacity.
  • 5G provides a more reliable and faster connection than 4G. This is because the new networks have increased bandwidth and use more connection points. Because the load on the network decreases, the value of knowledge transfer may go down.
  • 5G serves more devices than 4G because it uses an extended range of radio waves. 5G solves the issue of slow connections when numerous users connect with the network at same identical time.
  • Overall, 5G may be a big leap forward for mobile technology. It’s like moving from modems to high-speed broadband. We’re close to discovering new mobile internet options.

The only thing preventing a full transition to 5G now could be the complexity of installation and deployment. For the identical coverage area, 5G would force more transmitters than 4G. But providers are still deploying new cells. Additionally, some regions face physical obstacles such as protected cultural and historical monuments or hard-to-reach areas.

It might seem that this slow deployment will negatively affect the longer term of 5G technology. However, it gives providers longer to handle another major challenge: security.

The Future of 5G and Knowledge Security

To reduce the vulnerability of the nation’s mobile networks, developers will should carefully determine the 5G security aspects.

First and foremost, developers must provide clarity around cybersecurity principles for 5G networks. Additinally, providers must work on software protection against threats they might encounter on a 5G network. They’re going to need to work with IT companies to develop solutions for encryption, network monitoring, and other protections.


Manufacturers require motivation to enhance the extent of protection of their products. The general level of protection of the 5G network is set by the amount of protection of its weakest links.

But the value of developing and promoting devices with the next level of protection isn’t good for manufacturers. This is often especially true for low-cost products, like baby smartwatches and cheap baby monitors. If the advantages exceed the ultimate costs, this will motivate manufacturers to enhance the safety of their devices.

How to Strengthen the Coming Era of 5G Networks

  • The buzz around 5G networks may make it seem that the 5G era has already arrived. But of course, its protracted rollout gives everyone time to prepare. We recommend that you just make sure your home and business are networks are secure and that their privacy is well-protected.
  • Use a VPN to keep your data private and conceal your browsing history.
  • Use strong passwords. Always use the most complex passwords possible. For example, the most effective password may be a long set of random characters of various types. Use lowercase and uppercase letters, special characters, and numbers.
  • Change the default administrator account passwords on all IoT devices. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to vary the administrator account name and password on all gadgets. If the specified information isn’t in the manual, contact the manufacturer directly.
  • Install the newest security patches on all IoT devices. Regularly update your cellular phone, computer, all smart home devices, and even your car’s infotainment system. In fact, do this for anything that connects to the web or uses Bluetooth or other communication protocols. Update apps, firmware, the software system, and so on.

5G Architecture

In the 5G architecture, interaction between network functions is represented in two ways:

  • Service-oriented, where some network functions, such as Core Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF) allow other authorized network functions to access their services.
  • Interface-oriented, which shows what interaction exists between services of network functions described as point-to-point interaction (for example, the N11 interface) between any two network functions, such as AMF and standard messaging format (SMF).
  • Network functions on the 5G control plane should only use service-oriented interfaces for their interactions.

The Differences from Other Standards

The new standard uses not only new technological but also new software features. First, 5G uses multiple antennae on transceivers, so signal speed and quality increase. The 5G signal occupies higher frequencies. This suggests there will be less interference, but the transmitters have to be more powerful and therefore the stations closer.