Uniforms are an essential component of clinics, practices and places that serve food. If you manage a business that makes any sort of house calls, uniforms are at least as important. When a customer opens their door, they want to see a smiling employee wearing a clearly identifiable uniform. Makes sense, right?
If you own a law firm, or any other business doing internet marketing, you are faced with the same question; Exactly what part of our marketing efforts are generating high quality, profitable leads...READ MORE to make sure your marketing efforts will generate the right leads for your business
Much like the way technology has changed the entire structure of our lives, Cloud tools have transformed the way a company can go about marketing their products and services on the internet. READ MORE for a list of tools to grow your Sales Sky-High
Marketing is a powerful tool which can make or break your business prospects. It is essential that marketing techniques are well thought out and constructed, so that you have a strategy that will reach your customers. Here I would like to discuss mixed media marketing, using a combination of offline and online techniques to market your business.
Having a website can help to grow your business at a fast rate. It allows you to reach customers and target audiences locally and beyond. Get a website, and your business – no matter how small it is - will grow significantly.
Digital marketing means that you are promoting your company’s brand and products via one or more forms of electronic media. It’s different from traditional marketing because it involves the use of methods and channels that enable your organization to analyze marketing campaigns and get a full understanding of what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time.
Source: Shopify Ever wonder how some brands manage to turn Instagram into such a profitable channel with an active and rapidly growing following? Chris Jones is the entrepreneur behind House of Hannie, a collaboration between him and...
Source: Shopify I don’t care much for football. But I do care about this: An average of 114.4 million American TV viewers watched the Super Bowl in 2015. And that’s a conservative depiction of potential viewership when you consider...
If you own a storage unit facility, what is your biggest struggle? If you said getting customers to come through the door, you will be glad to know that you and many other similar companies...
A website is one of the most powerful marketing tools available to a small business. It increases a small business’ visibility, their ability to discover leads, and to convert those leads into sales. However, the success of a website depends on much more than aesthetic appeal. It also must be functional, accessible, user-friendly, and reliable. There are several essential components that must be included in order to maximize a website’s success.
Getting customers into your store is one of the biggest challenges you may face as a retailer. If you make sure you get enough people into your store in the first place, you can obviously make more sales. But what can you do to increase foot traffic? There are many tricks and tips that you can take advantage of to get more people into your store AND put them in the mood to buy. Here are a few to get you started so that you can give your foot traffic and revenue a serious boost.
Content marketing is a great new way to reach your customer base. And the good news is, you can use it in conjunction with traditional marketing for an even wider reach that is sure to increase your revenue. Content marketing is designed to attract and retain customers by creating content that reflects your brand and changes the way they see and interact with your company. Content marketing is used by many of the largest corporations in the world but it is not just for the big guys. Here are a few pointers you need to keep in mind when you decide to add content marketing to your strategy.
Trade shows can be costly, it’s true. With the expenses you’ll incur in the preparation of the booth, training of staff members, and cost to get to the location, the amount can pile up. However, with proper strategizing and implementation, you can get the most out of a trade show by being able to attract new clients, reach out to existing customers, and just basically getting your name and your business out there. The steps below can help you achieve trade show success, and keep yourself organized until after the event has commenced.
Colored Rocks
This is a wonderful article sent to us by Colour Graphics whereby they explain a lot about the power of color. I used to have a clothing store so I know first hand how important color is. Women and men both were always drawn to certain colors - and often those colors would change season to season. So if you are in business, or thinking about being in business, it's a good idea to learn a touch about color and set up your company and promotional materials just right! CLICK TITLE TO READ MORE
Instagram Video Button
Are you aware that Instagram recently introduced an amazing update that gives you the chance to record or post 60-second videos? This is a drastic increase from its former 15-second videos. In addition, this forward thinking social network is bringing in unique video capabilities like video view counts and slow-motion potentiality, to stage. Instagram has portrayed remarkable growth over the past few years, and this has greatly improved the video content for many brands.
Why would so many business people spend so much time on Twitter if there weren't a way to make money with it? Turns out that there are at least five ways to profit from Twitter.
Marketing is a powerful tool which can truly make or break your business. It is essential that your marketing techniques are well thought out and constructed, so that you have a strategy that will reach your customers. Here we will discuss how you can use mixed media marketing with both online and offline techniques - to help you really grow your business.
marketing tactics - featured image
We small business owners have to plan our marketing tactics effectively. However, we also need to remain flexible to adapt to new trends, taking cues from customers and responding appropriately. Here are six marketing tactics that have become indispensable to the marketer's toolkit.