Here are over one hundred great ideas for promoting your franchise with content marketing.
But what Facebook giveth, Facebook can taketh away. Especially from franchises.
Franchising could be the alternative to help you build your brand, network, and revenue streams, but how do you franchise your business?
Use this condensed checklist as a way to begin judging whether the business opportunity will be successful and profitable.
In the coming year, we'll see the number of franchises in the U.S. continue to rise, but at a price. As the nature of franchise operations evolves, new operational challenges will impact entrepreneurs opting to open a franchise for the first time, as well as franchise owners trying to turn a profit.
By the end of 2014, about 770,000 franchise businesses are expected to be operating in the United States. And that number is only going to get higher, as a new franchise is opened approximately every 8 minutes. What's franchising all about, and is it for you?
On January 1st, 2015, the Franchising Code of Conduct goes into effect in Australia. What does this means for both franchisees and prospective franchisees.
Internet leads are still the dominant source of franchise sales, but what are franchises missing putting by all their eggs into the lead portal basket?
A business opportunity is a need or want that can be met by a new business venture.
A new study that found business owners and executives in the United States were optimistic about the prospects for the U.S. economy in the coming year.
It's that time of the year again, to begin planning which shows, events and conventions you're going to attend in 2015.
We're seeing a shifting trend towards franchises amongst young people; their MBAs aren't opening getting them the jobs that they were expecting.
Why Burger King is taking beef off the menu for one set of franchisees, in Today's Business Ideas in the News.
One man's opinion: The White House is out to destroy fast food franchising as we know it. By Jack Jordans. It's long been the dream of liberals everywhere to make us all the same. Any skill...
Where can you get your teeth whitened and your hide tanned at the same time? Find out in Today's Business Ideas in the News.
Complaints used to be local and mostly private. Now they travel the world in a blink of tweet, and can be liked by everyone, forever.
Seasonal Halloween stores come in all shapes and sizes. Halloween Express is a franchise, Ricky's is corporately owned and Spirit is a consignment business. No matter the structure, Halloween costumes are a huge biz.
If you think you know everything there is to know about the golden arches and Happy Meals, guess again!

Franchising the Police?

Their focus is really offering a client high-visibility patrol, with a marked vehicle and a uniformed, armed officer who has prior police or military service.
Gigi Butler was a cleaning lady with just $33 to her name when she opened her first cupcake shop in Nashville, Tennessee, almost seven years ago.