Photo by Miłosz Klinowski on Unsplash

CCTV cameras are arguably essential to all kinds of businesses these days. No matter the industry or size of your business it is likely that some form of CCTV will be beneficial. See here to find out more information about video analytics to see how valuable they can really be.

However, if you want to use CCTV cameras effectively you must know how to use them properly. To help you with that we’ve compiled some important dos and don’ts.


Do—Shop Around for Suppliers of CCTV Cameras 

One all too common mistake people make when getting CCTV cameras is they go for the cheapest option. Many people won’t want to invest in expensive CCTV systems when they think the cameras themselves will prevent would-be thieves or criminals. But while CCTV cameras are an effective deterrent (dummy cameras very popular for this very reason, after all) they won’t stop every potential criminal.

This is why opting for high-quality cameras is important, because you never know when you really need the footage. Therefore, shop around for suppliers to see what the best deal is. And remember investing more in better-quality cameras will be better in the long-term.

Don’t—Forget the Outside 

When getting CCTV cameras, the interior of your premise will often be your main priority. This makes sense. After all, most crimes take place inside a business’s premises. However, having one or two cameras outside is still a good idea.

This way, if someone attempts to break in but can’t or gives up you can still capture footage of them. Another good tip is to remember to ensure all your exits and entrances are covered by cameras as well. In this way you can capture everyone who enters and leaves.

Do—Examine CCTV Camera Features Carefully 

Ensuring you have high-quality cameras is important, but you also need to examine any features of your CCTV system carefully as well. You might not need exclusive features or anything overly special. However, one thing to check for is night vision. Break-ins, for example, will often take place at night. Cameras won’t be able to capture great quality footage unless they have a night vision mode.

Don’t—Install the System Yourself

Another common mistake people make is that they try to save money by installing their CCTV system themselves. However, installing CCTV systems (even one with just a single camera) can be difficult.

This is why you should ensure you get a professional to install your CCTV system. It might be an additional expense, but it will be worth it. The good news is most CCTV suppliers should be willing to deal with the installation and even advise you on the best places to put the cameras.

Do—Think Carefully About Placement 

One of the most difficult parts of getting a CCTV system is knowing exactly where the cameras should be placed. For example, there should always be some around the entrances and exits of your business premises, but where else should you put them?

You can’t always cover every blind spot. However, with the right placement, you can ensure the majority of your premise is surveyed. Remember that having some cameras in clear view is advised, because they can act as a deterrent. But having some cameras hidden can help catch more careful thieves.

Don’t—Forget About the Weather 

Finally, the last thing to remember when putting CCTV cameras outside your business premises is to ensure that you take the weather into account. Rain, snow, and even the wind can affect the quality of the video you get as well as the safety of the camera.

You should also ensure to protect the cameras as well, as sometimes thieves and criminals will attempt to damage exterior cameras. Make sure to install them up high so would-be robbers can’t easily reach them.