Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Business owners and managers everywhere are almost obsessively concerned with how to improve office productivity. Moreover, it seems that technology and office productivity go hand-in-hand. Here’s a rundown about why that is.


Office Productivity Is the Name of the Game

Why is office productivity so important?

It all hinges on how modern offices have been reshaped in recent years. Today, workers take on more complex and fluid roles in addition to increasing workloads. These changes mean employers and employees alike are continuously searching for productivity hacks.

However, the tricky part about the productivity “secrets” you might find with a Google search is that they don’t work in every office.

That’s because every workplace is different. There are infinite disparities in personalities and leadership structures among companies, to begin with.

Moreover, there are variations in activity, culture, and other aspects as well. Therefore, a one-size-fits-all formula simply doesn’t work to improve office productivity.

However, office productivity remains an essential attribute of a company’s success. In fact, the data show that lack of employee productivity due to poor engagement in their work costs employers $550 billion every year.

So, like it or not, you must make changes to increase office productivity in your business.

What, then, is the answer?

Technology Upgrades Lead to Improved Productivity

Although there is no magic bullet that will guarantee improved office productivity, there is one element that seems to work wonders: technology

In fact, as the experts from Timesheet Portal explain, “Technology is an important asset to any organization. Technological solutions can now be customized for all types of businesses, no matter their industry. This has a major effect on improving every aspect of the business, including management of time, money, and human resources.”

The BYOD Trend Plays a Role, Too

The trend to bring your own device, or BYOD, is also transforming the workplace, giving workers more mobility.

This increased mobility apparently leads to greater office productivity. According to a survey conducted by The Economist, respondents whose employers support mobile use gave themselves 7% higher scores for productivity than other employees did.

This greater office productivity may be due in part to the fact that most people have their own devices with them at all times and they are familiar with those devices. This helps to minimize time they would have to spend getting used to an employer’s devices.

The BYOD trend works to benefit business owners as well, since it saves the company money. A survey conducted by Tenable shows that 72% of companies already have a BYOD-friendly culture.

What’s more, experts expect more companies will fall in with this trend in the future. However, a challenge remains in that roughly 60% of employees hesitate to connect their own devices to the company’s network.


Wearable Technology Also Plays a Part

There is a big connection between employee health and employee performance. And wearable technology can help employees maintain their physical and mental health and well-being.

In fact, 49% of respondents to a PwC survey say they believe that wearables in the office improve their productivity.

Better Technology Will Improve Office Productivity

Every company experiences obstacles to office productivity at some point. However, technology can provide solutions, regardless of the industry or the type of business.

For more ideas about how to improve productivity in your office, visit our blog.