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First because of the COVID-19 pandemic and now the war in Ukraine, the global economy has been on pins and needles for a long time. Moreover, poor political and economic situations have made the job market uncertain. As a result, many people are thinking of ways to make ends meet, and investing in cryptocurrency and investment in general are top of mind for a lot of people.

The idea of investing in cryptocurrency has made the rounds in recent years, even with its associated risks.

But people invest in various instruments not only for the sake of investment, but also because they want safe ways of transferring wealth. Therefore, the global population has been scouring the depths of the internet to find out how to start investing in cryptocurrency.

There are tons of authentic resources and safe routes for making your debut in the world of crypto investment. But there are also several traps. To prevent you from falling into one of these traps, here are eight things you must take into account before investing in cryptocurrency.

1. Understand the Basics of Buying and Selling Cryptocurrencies

If you use Twitter, you have probably come across the guy who makes space rockets and cars while occasionally talking about investment and crypto. Thanks to him and many others, cryptocurrency has become a buzzword.

You might have been tempted to hop onto a trading site to buy cryptocurrency with credit card without thinking about the maze you’re entering.

Regardless of what some billionaire tells you about the state of the market or what you read online, investing in crypto is risky. So do your research before you take any action. Try to understand the buying and selling process before putting your money in crypto.

There are plenty of online trading platforms such as Currency.com that give you access to free resources for beginners like you. Try to study ways you can deposit and withdraw your funds from the crypto ecosystem. Understand the mechanisms behind crypto trading. Also, learn to understand trends and graphics. Then you will know when the right time has come for you to invest.

2. Know Your Why

Before you put your money into the crypto ecosystem, know why you want to invest in a digital currency. Do you want to pick the one that’s the most volatile? Perhaps not. There are myriad investment opportunities such as stocks, property, equity, and the like that are much less volatile.

But maybe you’re interested in investing because cryptocurrency is one of the hottest topics of the 21st century. Or, you have been in the investment arena for some time and would like to conquer the crypto market next. Whatever your “why” is, make sure your investment goals make sense for you.

3. Understand the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem

Apart from the basics of buying and selling, it would be best if you familiarized yourself with the ins and outs of the digital currency you are eager to invest in.

There are various types of currencies available. Of course you have heard of the big names such as bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin. There are lots of lesser known digital currencies, too.

It’s also crucial to examine blockchain technology. This is the technology that gives us cryptocurrency. Especially if you have a non-STEM background, it can be challenging to understand what blockchain technology is and how it works. But it’s not incomprehensible. A firm grip on cryptocurrency and blockchain would help you better assess your investment opportunities.

4. Remember: Diversification Is Key

The urge to invest all of your finances into one crypto token can be harmful in the long run. Considering the volatility of cryptocurrencies, no matter what a die-hard crypto enthusiast says, putting all your eggs in one basket is risky. This includes putting all your funds into one coin.

Once you step into the cryptosystem, you will realize that building a diverse portfolio of currencies offering moderate gains is better than relying on a single highly volatile token. You can start with the popular ones like NFTs, or choose a coin that has been around a while. Next, make small investments on coins that appear to have a high tendency toward spiking values.


5. Know How to Close and Open Your Cryptocurrency Investing

Opening and closing positions are the set times when traders and investors make transactions in the market. An open position is when a trade is established, like when an investor buys shares or tokens until it is sold. A closing position is when a stock or token trade becomes inactive. This is the moment when a trader takes their profits and losses.

For a deeper understanding of trading, we recommend checking out free resources you can find online. But for now, here’s the good news: Crypto markets don’t close. They are open around the clock every day of the year.

Moreover, since digital currencies like crypto aren’t regulated, unlike fiat currency, they are available all the time. This also implies, however, that timing is critical when you’re investing in cryptocurrency.

6. Timing Is Crucial with Cryptocurrency Investing

Once you’ve mastered the basics of buying and selling cryptocurrencies and you have begun to understand blockchain basics, you may feel the urge to begin investing. But since digital currencies are volatile and move more quickly than other investment instruments, novice investors often make emotion-driven investment decisions.

Many newbie investors put their money into a cryptocurrency that has just skyrocketed in value. However, this is precisely where their money is almost certain to go down the drain. The money market thrives on expectations and forces that can shift the demand and value of a new token. This tendency can lead to failure for new investors who have a fear of missing out (FOMO) on the latest trends..

Instead of making hasty buying decisions, you must assess the market before investing. Most cryptocurrencies likely have patterns you can study to devise a strategy before you dive in.

7. Don’t Risk Investing More in Cryptocurrency Than You Can Afford to Lose

As we have already said, cryptocurrencies are risky and volatile. Their prices can spike up and down so quickly that within minutes, you can either be on the verge of losing everything or becoming an overnight sensation who went from zero to millions through crypto.

Keeping that in mind, crypto investment should come second to financing your life’s necessities. So pay the rent, buy the groceries, and pay your utility bills before investing in cryptocurrency. Naturally, if your crypto investment is fruitful, it can provide for you and your family years to come. But if you experience a significant loss in the crypto market, it can be a big burden.

8. Keep Your Goals in Mind

Many crypto fans who embark on investing do so with the mindset of becoming an overnight success. While that’s possible, many fall flat on their faces after being scammed. To avoid becoming this scenario for yourself, understand what you’re getting into. Therefore, you must:

  • Learn as much as you can about trading cryptocurrencies.
  • Understand the coins you want to invest in.
  • Find out about the broad crypto ecosystem.

For example, it took years for bitcoin’s value to reach where it is today. But fourteen years ago, there was no guarantee it would ever have any real value. So instead of expecting to get rich quick, find opportunities for investing in a crypto currency that supports a cause you also support. Or choose one whose founders express values that are similar to your own.



Although it’s been more than a decade since bitcoin’s creation, the crypto industry is still evolving. There is potential for growth, but that demands patience and careful planning by any investor.

And like most other trading markets, crypto is speculative. There have been overnight successes but there are also many people who have lost thousands. Investing in cryptocurrency means facing the risk that comes with it. So make sure you know the market you’re entering before you begin.