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Business software can make your daily business operations more streamlined, efficient and productive. However, in order for business software to continue being a major asset to your business, it’s vital that you maintain your systems and fix any issues that arise as soon as they happen. Now, managed IT services are always a great solution. However, it’s also important that you are able to diagnose and fix some issues without professional help. 

When your software systems let you down, it can cause all sorts of issues for your business. With the reliance that many modern businesses have on software nowadays, a glitch in your software may halt your operations while you wait for a resolution. With a basic understanding of troubleshooting, however, some simple steps may help you fix your systems instead of having to wait for an IT engineer to arrive.

Continue reading to learn how you can diagnose and troubleshoot issues with your business software systems to keep your operations running smoothly.


Outdated Software

When your business software systems are integrated, some of the older, outdated software packages may cause issues. If you suspect that this may be the issue, begin by identifying all of the connected programs and isolate those that have stopped working. Once you have disconnected these software systems from the others, you will be able to determine where the issue is. 

Older software programs are not updated as regularly as their newer counterparts. So, this can lead to faults and inefficiencies in the coding. When these platforms are connected to your other systems that have more modern features, issues can arise very quickly. Your business must address these issues as soon as possible. 

Data Issues

If you’re experiencing data issues where certain information cannot be obtained as easily as before, this can be a serious problem for your business software. Businesses rely on accurate and up-to-date business data for just about every day-to-day task nowadays. Not being able to access this data can be detrimental to your operations. 

Many IT databases have backup servers ready to keep the business going. However, make sure you set these up ahead of time for reliable back up assistance. To access the backup servers, check with the database host, and they should be able to reset the server for you. The host will remove the current corrupted server. Then, they will install the backup version to get you back up and running right away.


Researching the Problem

Chances are, whatever business software issue you are having, someone else has encountered the exact same problem before. There are countless support forums, blogs, websites and tutorials available online to help you solve just about any software issue.

When researching the issue, try to be as specific as possible with regards to what is going wrong and look for recent solutions rather than relying on posts from years ago. Step by step guides for common software issues can be found with ease. They’re often provided and updated regularly by the software provider to assist with client troubleshooting. 

Provide Training

Do you rely heavily on your business software? Then it might be wise to invest in staff training to ensure that your team understand how to use the software properly and how to fix it when things go wrong. When things go wrong, the first line of defense is typically your employees trying to fix the issue. However, if they have no idea what they’re doing, the errors are unlikely to be resolved. 

Invest in training for your employees who use the systems regularly to ensure there is always someone on site who understands how the systems operate. With this approach, when problems do arise, your team will know what to look out for. They will also be able to get your systems back up and running in no time.

Take Control of Your Business Software Systems

With business software playing such a crucial role in the modern business landscape, you need to be sure that you not only use these systems effectively but that you can fix issues as they arise. Follow the tips above to stay in control of your software solutions moving forward. Enjoy more peace of mind knowing you can maintain and fix your systems when required.