Moment Marketing: The One Thing Your Push Notification Strategy Is Lacking Lately, there has been an abundance of chatter around the web regarding the ‘best time’ for marketers to push notifications. Time being a critical component...
Keeping an Old MacBook Ticking Over If you are an Apple fan, the chances are you own a MacBook as well as an iPhone. These great looking laptops are comfortable to use and functional, so if...
small red business
Whether one is looking to digitize their aged brick and mortar business or create something that captures the spirit and essence of their startup, it’s more important than ever to design a useful website. If a company doesn’t plan on selling anything online, that's fine. Having a website can increase credibility and give people more information to go off of before they even set foot in a physical location.
Video Game Console
If you are looking for a business that is considered on the rise, and you are an avid gamer, you just might want to join the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and bet on the future of the video gaming industry.
If you are a small business owner, there is a good chance that you are working even when you aren’t at work. You are always thinking about ways to improve your business, to get more...
Whether you’re a big spender, or operating a small business with a tight budget, there’s something out there to help keep you connected and productive – and make travel safer and easier.
If you had $30,000 to invest in technology to take your business to the next level, how would you invest it?
With the rise of online retail, traditional malls have been dying a slow death. They’ve been forced to evolve and re-invent themselves or risk becoming yet another abandoned retail wasteland.
This year’s new tech toys feature something for kids of all shapes, sizes and interests. If you’re looking for the latest and greatest for a special little one if your life, there are lots to choose from. Here are 5 to keep an eye on:
Sometimes, being a business owner can seem like a non-stop uphill climb. Of course, that’s part of the fun, right? Still, if you’d like a little extra help getting to the summit, these technology tips...
underground - featured image
There are a growing number of businesses calling a very unique environment home. Just how unique? Well, these businesses are completely underground, in subterranean spaces that were once mines.
The new app that takes the hassle out of moving.
Because 3D printing is still an emerging industry, the way that you choose to turn it into your own business is really entirely up to you.
Powerful, must-have apps to help you run your business... from your new Apple Watch.
There’s a plethora of new gadgets and pieces of software that have already hit, or will be hitting, the market. We take a look at the eight that we’re most excited about.
Enterprise mobile applications – like enterprise cloud applications a decade before – are poised to become a $100 billion market opportunity.
You have a great idea for a business. You’ve tested it, maybe even sold a few items and now want to take it to the next level. Maybe you need some funding, a technical expert or you just need someone to run the business-side while you generate growth ideas. No matter your entrepreneurial situation, there will come a time when you discover that you can’t do it all alone. When you get to that juncture, you have two options:
shower - featured image

The Recirculating Shower

Taking a shower is a refreshing way to start the day. However, much of the energy it takes to heat the water is wasted as the warm water flows off you and down the drain. We may have found the solution. Read on for more.
hotspots - featured image
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels Many new companies start with one entrepreneur and a computer. These dreamers work in their home offices, but they also work in libraries, cafes, and other places that offer Wi-Fi hotspots. However, instead of...