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The goods and services you provide don’t stop the moment they leave your building. Shipping is important, too.

Has a customer ever returned goods to you because a package arrived in a damaged condition? Have you ever had to call up your delivery people and complain because a package never arrived? If so, this article is for you. If not, but you’re about to set up your new business, then don’t stop reading. The chances are that shipping will bite you one day, too.

Shipping Is a Dilemma

In the world of commercial sales, shipping presents a dilemma. If your business is small and you make handmade goods, you don’t want to see them being delivered by someone irresponsible. Additionally, you have put loads of time and effort into making the items, so you would like them to arrive whole, undamaged, and to the correct address.

If you live in the States and you have ever tried to send anything bigger than a letter by post, you already know the difficulties we are talking about. In some cases, it would be faster to drive the goods yourself than it would be to wait on your postal service.

We are here to tell you that there has never been a better time to consider a commercial freight shipping service than when you first open your business. Using a great shipping company can make the difference between things going wrong and your goods arriving whole and on time.

Problems Can Happen During Shipping

Consider some of the common problems that businesses just like yours encounter with the shipping process daily.

Packages Could Arrive Damaged

From pallets to small packages, parcels get damaged every day. Sometimes it can’t be helped, and accidents do happen. But if your shipping service routinely damages or loses goods and you keep having to replace customers’ orders, this gets costly over time.


Packages Go Missing

The number of undelivered and lost packages through the United States Postal Service is debatable. A 2010 report says it is akin to 4.7%. However, we know from reviews that many packages postal workers mark as delivered but never arrive at their intended destination. The truth is that there’s no natural way to tell how many packages the USPS loses in shipping. Even they don’t know. The point is that you want to avoid these losses for your business.


Packages Are Often Delayed

Some sources say they sent packages that took 15 days to get to the next town. Some say delayed packages eventually go entirely missing. Moreover, each delay costs your business time when your clients call you to ask where things are. If a package ultimately never arrives at the other end, you have to pay to replace something you already sent. Learn more on how to make your package deliver smoothly for better customer satisfaction.

You need to understand that every single time any of your shipments fails to reach your customers on time, you are suffering from loss of credibility. This is why you need to work with specialist logistics solutions to ensure that your packages are always shipped on time and reach your clients you have committed to. Do your research and find out more about the best shipping companies that can help you with timely deliveries. 


Take Care of Your Shipping Process to Save Profits

If you want a good return on your investments (ROI) in your products, you need to factor in the cost of reliable shipping from the onset. However, if your shipping costs are exponential, it eats into any profit made from your sales. And nobody wants to owe money on goods they shipped to customers.