Successful entrepreneurs often spot innovative opportunities that mere mortals overlook. They’ve got a knack for recognizing the potential of an innovative product or service. Or they develop an entirely new way of marketing things that already exist. But the vision to view a situation from a unique angle isn’t always innate. It sometimes sharpens after a career that’s more of a roller coaster ride than a rocket trajectory. Whatever their particular journeys, here are 4 specialist businesses that spotted a gap in the market.
Corporate Culture - Employees
Although you don’t have to go to school to be an entrepreneur, you can learn some valuable skills with an online degree. What's more, that degree will provide you with important knowledge for your business pursuits. The right education can help you to focus your entrepreneurial passions and build up the skills you'll need to run a business. In this post, you will find some online degrees for entrepreneurs, including some of the less obvious ones, that provide a solid knowledge base.
There are many costs to being an entrepreneur, and some of them are hidden costs. The SBA estimates the average cost of starting a business to be around $30,000. No matter what type of business you start, you’ll need to invest hours in its creation and development. These costs alone are enough to intimidate prospective entrepreneurs from ever following through on their ideas. However, they don’t paint the entire picture of entrepreneurship. There are also hidden costs to being the founder and director of your own enterprise. You’ll need to be prepared for them as well.
startup ideas - featured image
Looking for startup ideas? Start with a passion for your products and services. If you’re struggling for inspiration, here are three startup ideas will be sure to attract customers’ attention.
Pexels Photo
Many a startup entrepreneur is also a parent. However, when we talk about business and parenting, it is not easy to keep everyone satisfied. That's because these two areas of life can both be overwhelming and demanding. If you're both a startup entrepreneur and a parent, you might be looking for advice that can help you to balance these responsibilities. We hope this post helps you to simplify your life.
wisdom - featured image
When you think about the famous company Apple, you probably also think about Steve Jobs. But there was someone else behind the development of this powerful company as well and that person was Steve Wozniak, Apple's co-founder. Keep reading for some words of wisdom from The Woz.
student entrepreneurs
The world needs entrepreneurs, and student entrepreneurs offer the best of the best. They generate employment, enhance the standard of life, offer new technologies to society and maintain competition in the market. But launching a business is no joke, especially while you're still in school. Keep reading to find out 7 indispensable tips that can maximize your chances of success while you're still a student and after you graduate.
startup costs
The startup days are an exciting time for a new business, but they can also be a time of danger. Many companies have fallen by the wayside because those in charge were not financially disciplined enough to shepherd the business through the early times. Here are some important tips to trim the startup costs that can drag your business down.
profitable business ideas
In 2017, cash is king. Therefore, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur looking to start a profitable business, a cash-business model is a great place to start. Cash businesses generate the majority of their income through cash-related transactions. This model allows you to keep your cash flow position secure and monitor the growth of the firm as it expands. Here are the most profitable cash business models available this year. Check them out. Then start building your first profitable business.
When you decide to become an entrepreneur and run your own business for a living, probably one of the furthest things from your mind is a having a mentor. Understandably, you're excited about starting your new journey, getting to take charge, going out there and doing something on your own. However, while you may have a great idea, there’s a lot of risk involved with trying to build a brand and company if you have little past experience. Here are some of the best reasons to invest in business mentorship as a new entrepreneur.
Exactly how to set up an online business
I was travelling years ago and picked up a copy of the "How to set up an online business" magazine at the airport. The book was so helpful I ended up reading it multiple times - earmarking pages, high lighting, underlining and making notes. This book is amazing...
I mean, who wouldn’t want to be their own boss? You set your own hours, enjoy all the profits, and most of all, there is no boss breathing down your neck all day. Read on to discover how to become a successful solopreneur
You have a great idea for a business. You’ve tested it, maybe even sold a few items and now want to take it to the next level. Maybe you need some funding, a technical expert or you just need someone to run the business-side while you generate growth ideas. No matter your entrepreneurial situation, there will come a time when you discover that you can’t do it all alone. When you get to that juncture, you have two options:
How to Start a Teaching or Tutorial Website   Looking to start a website, but constantly putting it off due to the fact that you have no clue where to start or what niche you would even...
  If you have a business license and a tax ID number and want to get your hands on products long before they make it to the retail segment, check out these 10 resources (listed...