Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

Are you looking to extend your portfolio of affiliate marketing partnerships? One niche that is worth considering is that of dating affiliate programs.

In this article, we research the online dating industry. We examine where the value lies. Then we look at one particular dating affiliate program, Affiliate2Day. Further, we examine how this site offers a promising opportunity for affiliates.



From an affiliate point of view, online dating is still an untapped market. Everything from electrical appliances to web hosting has mainstream affiliate programs. However, affiliate programs linked to dating are much less common.

It’s a puzzling scenario. This is especially true when you realize the value dating affiliate programs create. Let’s consider what makes the dating niche so special.




Dating Affiliate Programs: More Than Just Another Affiliate Opportunity

The first thing to notice about online dating affiliate programs is that you’re not just setting up another affiliate scheme. That is, you’re doing more than simply matching a consumer with a product.

Online dating has transformed how relationships are created the world over. Therefore, an online dating affiliate program presents the potential of significant revenue. But more than that, such a setup gives you the opportunity to be part of a story. That is, you could help shape someone’s life. Perhaps you’ll refer someone to a website where they will meet their future spouse. It’s a thrilling way of looking at the online dating affiliate space.

More than that, however, let’s look at the earning opportunity. Never before have so many people reached for a digital device when they want to meet someone new or find love. Consequently, the potential for revenue generation is enormous.


Exploring the Value of the Online Dating Industry

To understand the potential that lies within dating affiliate programs, you must first understand the industry itself. At the very least, you need to appreciate the numbers.

Online dating has become big business. This is due in large part to the advancement in digital technology. Concurrently, dating norms and traditions around the world have undergone a complete revision over the past decade. As a matter of fact, the value of online dating to the global economy is roughly US$1.3 billion. Experts predict that this figure will continue growing, surpassing US$1.6 billion in 2022.

In terms of users, nearly 300 million people around the world used online dating in 2018. Watchers expect this number to continue growing as well. Moreover, the market penetration in each of the leading countries is relatively low. Therefore, there is enormous potential for revenue generation within this niche. That’s because more and more people are growing up with online dating being the norm.

The US generates more business in the industry than any other country. As a matter of fact, the US accounts for a staggering US$590 million per year. The US is followed by China, the UK, Germany, and Australia for revenue generation in this niche.

Online dating, then, is an international trend. As a matter of fact, this is the key to your success as a dating affiliate.

Many of the top dating brands in the world offer some sort of affiliate agreement. Some of these platforms focus on pairing domestic singles. Some focus regionally. However, if you’re looking for an opportunity that offers some real excitement and earning potential, then the international dating industry is where you should look.


International Dating Affiliate Programs

When you begin to research the affiliate opportunities presented by international dating agencies, things can dry up a little. Many of the big-brand dating platforms are not yet interested in long-distance, international relationships and the referrals they would generate.

Therefore, we looked instead for an established international online dating agency that would offer an affiliate program with genuine earning potential.

Perhaps the most impressive that we came across was Affiliate2Day. This site invites affiliate marketers in the online dating niche to deliver high-quality traffic and leads to any of the four key websites they own.

dating affiliate programs

Each of these four websites is firmly within the international dating arena. They are,, and All operate with the intention of allowing men from the West to meet women from the other side of the world.

Consequently, men generally come from the US, the UK, and Australia. Women on the websites are from across Asia and Slavic nations like Russia and Ukraine. All of these sites tie in directly to the biggest revenue-generating nations in online dating.

So if you have dating traffic from these parts of the world, then the Affiliate2Day program is perhaps a perfect way to look at monetizing that traffic.

At the same time, you’ll also get to buy into the romance of it all. Just think of what you could help to create in the lives of those you touch with your online dating affiliate programs!