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A dedicated team of developers with the right expertise and experience can help you deliver a project of any scale quickly and within budget. 

Outsourcing has become popular solution for businesses that want to tackle their software development challenges. In this environment, the dedicated team model is taking its rightful place. This model is the most flexible, cost-efficient engagement model for mid- and long-term collaboration.

As a business owner, you may simply be looking to expand your current technological capabilities. Alternately, you may have a great idea in mind but no one to bring it to life.

Let’s have a look at what makes hiring dedicated programmers such a popular choice in today’s software development environment.

Save Resources on Search and Recruitment

You can’t afford to waste time when you have a great idea and you want to implement it. Who knows? Maybe your competitors are already working on it.

In such a case, when you need to gather a professional team here and now, hiring a dedicated team of developers from a vendor can help. Such a team saves you the trouble of daunting searches and expensive recruitment procedures. All the specialists you need are already in one place, ready to come aboard your project.

All you need to do is simply provide the project requirements. Then your vendor assembles a team of the right size and expertise that suits your needs best.

dedicated team of developers
Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels

A Developer Team Starts Your Project Fast

From paperwork to assigning specific roles and responsibilities on the project, building an in-house team can take months. Preparations and onboarding procedures extend this process.

That’s a risky delay most projects can’t take in today’s fast-paced market environment. However, with a dedicated team of developers, you can minimize the time needed to begin the actual work on the project. A professional vendor will streamline the preliminary procedures. Therefore, your team will be up and running in a matter of several weeks.

Reduce Administrative Expenses

In addition to search and recruitment, building an in-house team comes with considerable administrative expenses. This includes costs like finding additional office space for your new employees, buying equipment, providing training, vacations, health insurance, and so on.

When hiring a dedicated team of developers, however, you don’t have to worry about these and many other overheads. Your vendor has already provided your remote workers with everything they need to do their job efficiently. 

Set up the Processes to Fit Your Management Style

When it comes to project management, hiring a dedicated team provides you with the same level of control as if you had your own employees working remotely from a different location. This enables you to set up your own rules.

You choose the methodology you think is best for your project. In fact, you practically have the dedicated team of developers working your way.

You can easily adjust your level of involvement with the project. You may take direct control over task management, communication, and setting up workflows. Or you can leave the micromanagement to a dedicated project manager and focus on other important matters.

Adapt and Optimize Developer Teams on the Fly

Reaching development milestones and unexpected changes in the market environment may require changes to your team. In fact, there are numerous reasons why you might have to extend your team with additional specialists.

Alternately, you may need to reduce the team to just a couple of key players. Making these changes could pose a major administrative challenge. However, a dedicated team of developers gives you incredible flexibility in change management. As a result, you can to scale your team up and down freely and without delay.

Budget Ahead with Confidence 

The dedicated team model offers full transparency when it comes to costs. From the moment the team is gathered, your vendor provides you with a set monthly fee for their services. With such a clear pricing model, it is easy for you to track costs. You can produce highly accurate estimates. Also, you can restructure your budget in case there are any adjustments in the scope of the project. 

Track Progress and Performance

Numerous project management tools like Jira, Asana, and Trello aid in managing and monitoring a remote team. A good vendor will help you set up all the necessary tools and establish seamless communication for you to effectively manage the project. This includes progress tracking, workflow optimization, KPI monitoring, automated reporting, and more. Therefore, you can be certain your resources are used in the most efficient way.

Lower Your Development Costs and Reduce Turnaround Time

One of the main advantages of outsourcing is significant savings without sacrificing the quality of the final results. Access to large talent pools at significantly lower hourly rates provides a great cost-benefit ratio. However, there’s another advantage worth mentioning. Time zone difference between your office and the dedicated team enables you to set up a nearly uninterrupted workflow. In addition to spending less on development, you also get a faster time to market.


Get Better Collaboration Results with a Dedicated Team of Developers

Unlike taking on freelancers or building an in-house team from scratch, hiring a dedicated team provides you with an already organized working environment. These are not office newcomers or strangers scattered around the globe we’re talking about. A dedicated team of developers is made up of people who have a proven track record of projects they’ve completed together. They are good teammates who don’t need any learning to work together or getting to know each other. Therefore, they are highly productive. Moreover, they know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and they deliver better results.

Build Value-Based Relationships with Your Vendor

If you’ve enjoyed working with a dedicated team of developers and are happy with the results, you could always turn your collaboration into a long-term partnership. A reliable tech partner ready to provide their best talent and expertise provides added value to your business. They help you tackle any software development challenges with ease and utmost precision. You can give yourself the space you need to focus on the big picture and leave the rest to your trusted tech partner.

QArea is an award-winning company with 18 years of experience in full-cycle software development and a proven track record of more than 800 successful projects. They have a roster of more than 280 engineers with niche skills and expertise in various domains.