Image Credit: annie! on Flickr

Teaching an art workshop is a great way to use your art abilities while earning some extra cash. An art lesson business is great because you can stay small and only hold classes when you have time. Or you can grow it so large that you must hire other teachers to help keep up with demand.

Can you can break down a painting or drawing into digestible steps? If you answered yes, then you can make some money teaching paint parties or having an art lesson business.

Here are some ideas to help you get started with your art lesson business:


1. Decide Who You Want to Teach

There is a big difference between working with a class of seven-year-olds and coaching adults. So before you begin, decide which age category you want to teach.

Once you know the age group you’re teaching to, you can plan a curriculum or piece of art for your students to recreate. The age group you’re teaching to will also make a difference in the medium you will choose to use.




2. Pick One Thing to Start With

You have the knowledge, but pick one thing to start with. As we mentioned earlier, pick a medium in which you have a lot of knowledge. This will make things easier for you, and you’ll be better able to demonstrate techniques to your students.

If you are just starting out, acrylic paint or pencil is usually a hit. However, it’s probably not a good idea to go right into oils or charcoals with your first class. If you do, your students will have a lot of questions. There are likely to be some “oh no” moments, too. That won’t be much fun for either you or your students.

If you are not used to teaching, this might not be a good way to start.


3. Set up Shop

Some artists travel to hold the class in a location that’s convenient for their students. Other art teachers have students come right to their studio.

Either way, make sure the space is uncluttered. Be sure that you have enough room for the number of people you are expecting, too. There is nothing worse than coming to an event that you paid for and finding out that there’s not room enough for everyone to have fun participating.

Also, make sure your sign-up and payment processes are quick and simple. Make the payment process easy so that people don’t shy away from your class when it’s time to pay.


4. Now It’s Time To Advertise

So now you have your target students, your curriculum, and your location. Now it’s time to advertise.

Marketing can be one of the biggest obstacles for new business owners, especially in the arts. However, you’re going to have to get over that initial burst of shyness and put your name out there.

Find ways to ensure that your prospective audience will hear and see you. Choose a catchy name for your art lesson business. For instance, you could pick a name like “Paint Party for All.” Whatever name you choose, make it something that really represents you.

Then put your new business name and your phone number out there. Make sure you keep getting the word out about your art lesson business, whether anyone else is talking about it or not.


5. Teach Your First Paint Party or Art Lesson

There may not be a huge turn-out, but don’t get disheartened. That’s because one of the best marketing tools is word-of-mouth marketing from your former customers.

So give discounts to people who have taken an art lesson with you if they give you a review. Then, make sure you do a stellar job with them! The friendly customer service and fun art lesson will speak volumes. Your past students will be returning customers. What’s more, they’ll bring their friends with them next time.


Do You Think You Can? Then You Can!

These are five steps to get you from the I-think-I-can-do-this to the I-did-it phase.

Owning your own business, especially an art lesson business, is rewarding. What’s more, it’s a great way to earn some supplemental and maybe even full-time income. Good luck with your new art lesson business!