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Learn Digital Marketing Skills FREE via Google Primer Yesterday I received an email in my inbox from Google Primer. I was not too sure what Google Primer was but the email insisted, “Primer is a fast,...
Raising the funds to get your business started is probably one of the most difficult hurdles you’ll have to face as a new business owner. If you’ve been struggling to pull the capital together so that you can get going with your business, we’ve got some fresh ideas for you.
If you want your customers to find you online easily, you’ll need to follow some recognized techniques for search engine optimization, usually referred to as SEO. If the internet’s search engines can’t find you online, your customers won’t find you either. So if you’re building an online business, SEO, as daunting as it can seem at first, is an area you really need to learn about. To get you started, we offer 4 ethical SEO strategies that have been proven to work. 
Keywords are defined as, "the phrases that explain the content of a page and the queries, inserted by users, into the search engines." As such, webmasters in support of the inquiry must correctly optimize that particular page. For example, if you are looking for info regarding cars, the key phrase “cars” should be inserted. Makes sense, Right? This article is full of tips to help you navigate your way through google search terms and get some help if you need it.
Google explains micro marketing moments as, "the critical touch points of a customers journey" Read the full article to discover this journey and find out where in the journey your customers WILL buy from you
Online advertising is slowly taking over more traditional forms of marketing. Your own business needs to jump on the train so as not to get left behind.
Source: Shopify I don’t care much for football. But I do care about this: An average of 114.4 million American TV viewers watched the Super Bowl in 2015. And that’s a conservative depiction of potential viewership when you consider...
5 Compelling Reasons Why Your Website Needs a Blog Having a credible and successful internet presence is key for any business in the digital age. There’s no doubt that you spent a considerable amount of effort...
As you might have guessed, Content Marketing will be at the center of our e-commerce efforts this year, too. Why did this form of marketing become so crucial over the last few years? It’s the art...
Why would so many business people spend so much time on Twitter if there weren't a way to make money with it? Turns out that there are at least five ways to profit from Twitter.
marketing tactics - featured image
We small business owners have to plan our marketing tactics effectively. However, we also need to remain flexible to adapt to new trends, taking cues from customers and responding appropriately. Here are six marketing tactics that have become indispensable to the marketer's toolkit.