Obtaining a patent is a costly and time consuming process. Inventors must have unstoppable faith in their vision in order to realize their dream of acquiring a patent. But sometimes these inventions come from a creative...
Turn your speakers up! Thanks to Archie McPhee.
I didn't catch all of the Super Bowl commercials, but this one from accurately describes how I felt before I started my own business. How about you?
Red Ferret: The Internet Entrepreneur Starter Kit is a package of 50 different Archie McPhee novelty items in a ready to sell format. The pack value is apparently $2,600.00, but you, sir, can have it for...

The Top 5 Laziest Inventions

Random Hilarity: The Top 5 Laziest Inventions's Daphne Brogdon on drawing boundaries:
Mashable: What’s the best selling office product on this New Year? Perhaps printer ink and paper for all those holiday pics? Cases for all the new laptops received this Christmas? Try: none of the above. Currently leading...
Funny Patents and Inventions: Is there anyone out there who isn’t familiar with the high five celebratory gesture made by two people, each raising one hand to slap the raised hand of the other? It dates...

iFlatulence Is A Money Maker

Loveland Connection: Author and entrepreneur Joel Comm has added a hint of hilarity to this holiday season and likely ensured many iPhone owners will no longer endure Silent Nights, thanks to his newest iPhone application. Comm announced... If you've ever had a blonde moment, listen to this. One of the hottest Internet gifts this holiday season is poking fun in the spirit of blondes. Americans have had a decades-long obsession with dumb blonde...
USA TODAY: Reining in holiday spending gets complicated when your young children really believe that reindeer are involved. It's one thing to tell teenagers that money is tight this year and there will be slim pickings under...

Fun With Office Supplies

Makes you want to go out and buy some Post-It notes? BTW, these are the same two guys who did the Diet Coke/Mentos geysers.
Yahoo Tech: Never mind that people are doing work while they're on the toilet, even casual electronics users are taking them into the bathroom for leisure use: A UK study says that 10 percent of broadband...
One of the least discussed side effects of the economic downturn is the spare time available to laid off workers. They must fill their day some way and this is the result. Have a Safe and...
Sometimes, the future seems so far away. Twenty five years ago, we all assumed that we'd be jetting around flying cars and being taken care of by robot maids, like the Jetsons. Alas,...
blog - featured image
How much is your blog worth? Would you like to find out? This article contains a link to an applet that will calculate the worth of your blog for you.