ariix-newage - featured image
It took only 16 months for Paolo Meucci to become part of the Ariix-NewAge Million Dollar Club. This is an elite circle reserved for those who generate commissions of a million dollars.
creativity - featured image
Creativity: Some say it is a natural talent artistic individuals share, but on the contrary, creativity is in and is for everyone. Creative thinking can enhance any work environment by improving company culture, productivity, and morale.
Elijah Norton - featured image
Elijah Norton, president of Veritas Global Protection Services, shares his views on what he believes keeps customers coming back to his business.
USANA - featured image
USANA had a strong year in 2020, receiving more than 60 honors. We look at the company's most recent awards and how these recognitions point to bigger and better things ahead.
jesse willms
Jesse Willms is the founder of and one of the most notable digital marketers over the past twenty years. In this interview, he discusses the key drivers behind his success and provides insight into the way he conducts his business.
Don Forman - featured image
How an entrepreneur relates to the members of the community establishes their legacy. Don Forman, a business owner in Las Vegas, is passionate about making changes in other people's lives by helping as much as he can.
your next lawyer - featured image
Are you facing legal challenges in your personal life or in your business? If so, you are likely looking for your next lawyer. In this post, we offer suggestions about what to look for in an attorney.
sykes - featured image
In this post, we answer readers' questions about Timothy Sykes. We examine accusations he’s running a scam, look at his earnings claims, and more. This is an in-depth, unbiased review, updated in 2020.
gupta - featured image
Businessman and investor Vinod Gupta lives by a seemingly simple philosophy: learn, earn, and return. This philosophy has enabled him to donate more than $50 million toward various philanthropic endeavors.
dalio - featured image
Billionaire businessman Ray Dalio is the 58th-richest person on the planet. He is credited with refining the notion of idea meritocracy, an approach which emphasizes the actualization of ideas regardless of who thought of them. Dalio’s concept should appeal to anyone who is looking to get into business.
Roman Avdeev
Together with his third wife, Roman Avdeev fosters 23 children, 19 of whom are adopted. Avdeev is one of only two famous billionaires on the planet with so many children. Only 93-year old Sulaiman bin Abdulaziz Al Rajhi, a banker from Saudi Arabia, has as many children as Roman Avdeev. Read more about the fascinating life of this Russian billionaire here.
affiliate site 4
Building a successful affiliate site today is more competitive and more difficult than it has been in the past. However, these higher barriers to entry aren’t necessarily a bad thing. They just mean that if you’re willing to put in the effort, you can isolate yourself from new competition in the long term. Let’s have a look at some successful affiliate websites, and then let’s talk about traits they have in common. We'll talk about some things that make them unique, and what makes them so successful.
Energy conservation has become a controversial topic in the geopolitical space. Nearly everyone talks about it, and a lot of people are working to conserve energy. However, reports indicate that we continue to waste energy. American Power and Gas, a quickly growing energy company, is working hard to help people understand the importance of energy conservation. The company works to provide Americans with renewable energy at affordable prices. Its CEO, Tom Cummins, spoke to us about the venture and the importance of preserving energy. Here's what he had to say.
Image of Blogger Danielle Moss
Source: I am all for empowering women out there. This is a very inspiring video and article from about two women who decided to start a women's life style blog and just did it!...

Building a Better Burger

Hollymatic, which helped bring the fast food hamburger into existence, is continuing its founder’s quest for a better burger.
How did Marc Roth go from homeless to entrepreneur? Read this and found out how.
Should you pursue many business opportunities like Richard Branson, or should you focus your whole life on one, like Mark Zuckerberg?
Gigi Butler was a cleaning lady with just $33 to her name when she opened her first cupcake shop in Nashville, Tennessee, almost seven years ago.
For years, the Weather Channel accepted that viewers ignored it on sunny days and essentially bided its time until a hurricane came along and the whole country tuned in for hours, even days.
For the past two and a half years Michael Hallatt has been a "pirate" -- importing Trader Joe’s foods across the US/Canadian border.