Open Forum:

There are 130 million blogs on the Internet (according to Technorati), and 350 million people reading blogs daily (according to Comscore). Clearly, engaging with influential bloggers can be a real boon to your business, if you can win them over towards your brand and persuade them to evangelize your product.

Rather than offering your bloggers sale prices or freebies, try offering up some exclusives to them. Other bloggers/readers will be thrilled at the thought that they were among the first to read about a certain story or offer on your site.

Always make sure that you have a very interesting story to tell that will not only captivate the attention of your readers but will also create a sort of bond between you and your readers. The more they feel for you and feel that they have in common with you, the more they will return to your site.

And last but not least is be sure to be available to your readers and fellow bloggers in the easiest ways possible. The last thing you want is a fellow blogger or one of your readers to get irritated and stop visiting your site because they can never get a hold of you.

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