MMIX (Ten things you can do to improve your photography in 2009)
photo credit: kevindooley

There are so many blogs out there that get thousands of readers everyday, so how do they do it? How do they bring in all that traffic everyday? They have found ways to set up their blogs in such a way that it automatically attracts attention to the readers, it pulls them in time and time again. MyVenturePad recently posted an article on different ways that you can make your blog work better for you.

Try establishing a theme to your blog. There are several different sites both free and low cost that can provide you with several different themes that will surely set your blog apart from the rest. Self-host your own blog. This gives you more direct control over the way your blogs appearance is, style, writings that are posted and more.

There are a host of excellent blog communities around that will help you both promote your own blog and find other bloggers to read and learn from. Scribnia, BlogCatalog, Technorati,  Bloggeries, Loaded Web, Alltop, CommunitySpark and others are great starting points.

In the end, make sure you are truly opening up and sharing with your readers. They want to read something and learn something on your blog that they have never seen anywhere else. Provide them with some insight, helpful tips, advice on various matters and more.