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Whether you’re an established brand or a startup, you surely know how important it is for all businesses these days to establish a strong online presence as part of their online marketing strategy. There are various steps you need to take in this respect. For example, you need to create social media profiles and collect online reviews. Moreover, you must get your business listed in local directories. Also, obviously, you’ll need to focus on building a great business website. And to build a great website, you’re going to need a top-notch website designer.


When it comes to building a website for your business, the process can either feel like a breeze or be a complete nightmare. The website designer and the web development agency you team up will make all the difference. So if you want to make sure everything runs smoothly and you’re going to be satisfied with the end product, you must choose your web developer wisely.

But how can you be certain that a web development agency is right for you? How will you know if they can help you bring your vision to life? With so many web development companies out there promising great results for their clients, it can be difficult to find the right one.

Luckily, the selection process can simple. However, you need to know what questions to ask a potential web developer before hiring. Here’s a list of seven important questions that will help you get to know each web developer better. Then you can make a smart decision.


Have you worked on similar projects before?

Maybe a certain web developer has years of experience in the field. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they have the kind of experience you’re looking for. They might not even be the right fit for you.

Keep in mind that different website designers have different styles and areas of specialty. If they haven’t worked on similar projects before, chances are they’re going to have difficulty understanding your vision. This will make it difficult for them to bring your ideas to life.

Talk to them about their past projects and see if they have performed similar work before. Browsing through their portfolio will also help you figure out if their style and approach match your requirements or not.

What does your research process as a website designer imply?

Just like style and area of expertise differ from one web development company to another, so does the research process they employ when working on a project. Some agencies complete their research process after just a few emails and phone calls. Other web designers take the time to visit their client’s headquarters to find out exactly who they are. They fully engage to learn about who their target audience is and understand the client’s brand, mission, and goals.

You want to end up with a website that reflects your business values and vision. So make sure the web development company is ready to go the extra mile when researching their customers.

What services does your package include?

While some web development agencies such as https://www.webpopdesign.com/ provide comprehensive packages to their customers, others only offer a handful of services. It’s up to you to inquire about the services a web designer offers. Only then can you decide if the packages provided by the agencies you’re considering meet your specific needs.

Maybe you’re looking for a company that does everything from web design and content creation to SEO and everything in between. Or maybe you just need someone to take care of the basics. Don’t assume every agency includes the same types of services if you don’t want to get an unpleasant surprise later on. Go over each of the services they provide to make sure you’re not wasting your time and money.

How do you charge for your services? 

Speaking of money, it all comes down to your budget in the end. That’s why you should ask each web developer how they charge for their services. You’ll have to decide what pricing model works best for you: hourly, fixed, or by milestone.

While you’re discussing money matters, don’t forget to ask each website designer you’re considering for a cost estimate for the whole project. As you can assume, setting up a great business website won’t come cheap. On the other hand, you shouldn’t invest a fortune in it either. You should determine how much money you can afford to spend on building a website. Then look for agencies that provide services within that price range.

What’s the estimated time to complete such a project?

It’s not always easy to determine how long the web development process is going to take, as there are multiple factors that can influence the project timeline. However, it’s necessary to ask this question to have a rough idea about the time frame, especially if you’re on a tight schedule and you need to have your site up and running as soon as possible.

If the web development company can’t answer time-related questions, that means they might be lacking in the time-management department and they’ll have issues meeting deadlines, which is not something you want to deal with.

Do you outsource any of your work to other web designers?

It’s not unusual for web development agencies to outsource some of the services they offer. Most web development agencies that provide comprehensive packages for their clients rely on third party website designers to help them complete their projects.

That can be both a good and a bad thing, as outsourcing can lead to delays and communication problems. But it can also guarantee greater attention to detail and better results. It’s important to know what services they outsource and what work they perform in-house to understand how your project will be handled.

Can I reach out to your previous clients?

As you know, past behavior is the best predictor for future behavior. Therefore, what better way to find out if a particular website designer you’re researching is truly reliable and delivers on their promises than by speaking with some of their past customers?

If the agency has no problem in providing contact details of their clients, you should take this opportunity to further your research. Take the opportunity to find out more about the company.

If there are any other aspects that might help you decide when choosing a web development company, feel free to ask all the questions you have in mind during the selection process. The more you know, the easier it will be for you to make a wise decision.