
Issues of development of successful franchise by Kazakh companies and experience of world leading countries in franchising relationships development have been discussed today in Almaty at “Franchising alternatives. Small and middle business: technology of start and development” conference, organized by the institute of professional training and distant education of the Ryskulov Economic University and Kazakhstan Franchising Agency with the support of Fredrick Ebert Fund, Kazinform reports.

The representatives of the official institutions and NGOs, heads of higher educational establishments and financial organizations as well as the leading experts and economists of the country took part in the forum. Accordance to the participants, there exist factors suppressing the processes of franchising promotion in Kazakhstan. Therefore, the issues of introduction of franchising in our country became a key subject of the roundtable. Analysis of the development of franchising relationships between German entrepreneurs was made within the conference.

The materials on development of franchise contracts in Kazakhstan are to be published in the forum’s digest and mass media within the sitting. Besides, it is planned to discuss an action plan on preparation for “Franchising in Kazakhstan-2009” forum, and set a task on promotion of “30 successful Kazakhstan’s franchising systems by 2012”.