The wife and I took our son to see his doctor for a checkup this afternoon. His doctor is a family practice physician in a small two doctor office. He was the only...
Microsoft: "What do George Bush and John Kerry, IBM, and thousands of small businesses have in common? They all use a Web log—or 'blog' for short—to reach potential customers and get them interested in their...
Jeff Cornwall: Understand the advantages and disadvantages of large vs. small firms. Large firms have specialized expertise that can become critical as you grow. Small firms can offer a more personal touch and...
Paul Boutin: "Ok, ok, so a few of my bloggerati pals saw Dave's post below and went: Whoa, are you saying there were 100,000 clickthroughs to Dave's blog from one MSN article? Yes, it's the...
You thought they just sold clothing, but J.C. Penney has their own research and development facilities! From the New York Post: " J.C. Penney is at the forefront of an explosion in so-called performance clothing, a...

Valuation Explained

Fred Wilson, the venture capitalist, explained valuation today on A VC: The question is what is the fair value of the business? This supposedly establishes how much of the company the venture capitalists will...
Listen up, car dealers! Ross at Strategize has an idea, that I think, will sell cars! If I was a car manufacturer, I would find the non-dealer body shop that did the highest volume...

Small Towns, Small Biz

Small Business Trends: "The Kiplinger Letter, in its latest edition (subscription required), reports that small towns in the United States are attracting more college graduates. Kiplinger says that is 'good news for small-business employers in...

Not Just Your Voice

Evelyn Rodriguez: Did you know in spoken conversation or public speaking, people respond to you more than the words (and therefore concepts) you mouth? Professor Albert Mehrabian of UCLA's research determined which factors influenced listener...
Steve Pilgrim pointed me to James Lileks's entry today about his trouble with a DirectTV installation:One service call turned into seven. One three-hour wait window turned into 21 hours. I can still see the original...
Slate: "When you look at the business of professional sports -- in both Europe and the United States -- American sports are virtually all socialistic while the European soccer leagues more closely resemble the entrepreneurial...

Don’t Fear Failure

Jeff Cornwall: "Rob at BusinessPundit suggested a post at The Occupational Adventure about failure. It is worth a look. Failure, or the fear of failure, is what has kept many a potential entrepreneur...
This week's Carnival of the Capitalists is up at pc4Media. Note to host, Peter Caputa: Check the definition of carnival.
NY Times: A 33-year-old engineer from Salt Lake City, promoting a company that would mass-produce flying cars with retractable wings, was among the lucky finalists in the "Pitch Tim Draper on Your Billion Dollar Idea"...
David St Lawrence: This is sort of an advanced concept for some people. They may have such difficulty staying ahead of the game themselves, that they find it hard to conceive of sharing the best...

A Simple Idea for 411

Atmaspheric | Endeavors: "Instead of just offering an option to have the number dialed, why not send the information as an SMS or even an email with vcard so you could save it for future...

Rustle or Jingle

Chad Everett: It costs 4.2 cents to produce a dollar bill. That dollar bill lasts for 18 to 22 months. Meanwhile, it costs 12 cents to produce a Sacagawea Dollar - but the...
Fortune Small Business: "If you want to become a florist in Louisiana, a state law requires you to take a licensing exam. Your flowers are evaluated by licensed florists on subjective criteria such as whether...
I don't know how I would be able to keep up without Bloglines. Happy birthday to my favorite web service.
Robert Murphy: "I personally like to use a reductio ad absurdum when it comes to international trade, and the widespread fear of 'cheap imports.' When arguing with someone along these lines, I first ask, 'So...