Fantastic Fanaticism

Venture Blog: I love fanatics. Fanatics make first class entrepreneurs. As long as I have been working with startups, I have seen the power of fanaticism in action. Entrepreneurs who go to sleep thinking about...
Business Pundit: "Taxes could kill my business. I doubt that will happen, but it is an outside possibility. We have yet to turn a profit, but have paid more in taxes than we have for...
Entrepreneur: "Market research, then, can prove invaluable in determining your idea's potential. You can gather information from industry associations, Web searches, periodicals, federal and state agencies, and so forth. A trip to the library or...

Bra Biz Op

Men's underwear traditionally costs very little, whereas women's bras can be much more expensive. What if you could make bras out of underwear? How's that for a business opportunity?

Vocation Vacations

Brand Autopsy: Is your dream job to be a vintner? Or a fishing guide? A cattle rancher? How about a chocolatier? Sure, you may be a cubicle monkey today, but given an opportunity to have...
This week's Carnival of the Capitalists is up at The Outsourcing Weblog.

Rent a Bedroom

Dan Sherman found an article about a company in the UK that is "an online marketplace linking those looking for somewhere to stay during the working week with those who have a spare bedroom they...
The Startup Chronicles: "Who do I listen to? My parents? My investors? My marketing consultant? My employees? My wife? My associates? My attorney?"

Intellectual Capital

David Bayless: "In the not too distant past, having an entrepreneurial, business-oriented mindset wouldn't get you very far if you didn't happen to be co-located with the requisite, tangible tools of production. Without the...
Anita Campbellwriting on Small Business Trends: Ray Kroc started McDonald's at age 52 after years as a salesman. Colonel Harland Sanders franchised Kentucky Fried Chicken (now KFC) at age 65. "You're never too old" is the...
Newmark's Door: "Your tax dollars at work: the government tries to explain Social Security to little kids." I think we could do better than that -- and for free! Here's my version: Social security is...

Real Life Accounting

Yesterday, my hometown newspaper profiled a local accountant who offers accounting courses on the internet. Modesto Bee:John Day of Sonora claims to have just what you need: an online course called Real Life Accounting. It's designed,...

Heinlein on New Ideas

"The hardest part about gaining any new idea is sweeping out the false idea occupying that niche. As long as that niche is occupied, evidence and proof and logical demonstration get nowhere. But once the...
Eric Sink: "I've been getting lots of requests for a printer-friendly version of my series on The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, so I'm making it available as a PDF."
Forbes on how to go into business for yourself: "You've got to outdo Captain Ahab for monomania. But total devotion to the business shouldn't slide into tunnel vision." via Jeff Cornwall, who is also quoted in...
Dave Ramsey: I wouldn't call it a rip off. It usually costs anywhere from $18 - $25 a month, and most of the time you get a free will out of it, which usually costs...
Ben Casnocha: "Most end up working for their parents (you know, file papers, answer the phone, etc). But the thing is no parent really wants to hire their kid because they want young Johnny...
Jill Konrath: "Some people just seem to be right at home when they're at a networking function. They chat effortlessly with strangers and create new relationships with ease. Not me. Much as I'd like to...


Dan Sherman: " heavily nanotechnology. You'll never guess why, though. Tunnels."

Entrepreneur Quiz

Jeremy Wright and I are both Startup Sally's (whatever that is.) What are you? Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur?