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Magnaghi Aeronautica (MA Group) specializes in the design, certification, production and subsequent marketing of landing gear systems. They also produce equipment, hydraulic and electronic systems, and systems for aerospace use.

In spite of all the difficulties 2022 has brought, MA Group was recognized as Italy’s as Top Employer for 2022. This is thanks in large part to the company’s long-term investment in innovation and human capital.


As the world struggles with the economic crisis of 2022, experts try to understand what is really happening and find a way out. For this columnist at Foreign Policy, the last time the world experienced a similar economic crisis was after the Second World War. Now as then, there might be no cooperative solution this time either.

Governments and corporations alike are trying to deal with issues such as the shortage of raw materials. In the case of the aeronautic industry, manufacturers are facing a scarcity in supply of metals such as titanium. Of course, one of the reasons has to do with the war in Ukraine.

How Magnaghi Aeronautica (MA Group) Is Responding

Paolo Graziano, president and CEO of Magnaghi Aeronautica (MA Group), says that companies should expect “strong increases in production costs (energy, labor, raw materials), changes in demand, and an increase in procurement times.”

This is the scenario he has been facing as leader of the Italian company. Graziano explains that “technology without the competence of the technician to supervise it is useless.”

Therefore, his strategy is two-fold. He aims not only to have engineering technologies and processes that represent the state of the art but also to attract and retain highly qualified technicians. “These are people whom I know perfectly well and who have my absolute trust,” he remarks.

Founded in Naples, the company’s commitment to quality is inspired by the craftsmanship of Neapolitan tailors. The company’s reputation for innovation and competitiveness within the industry is well-known. Moreover, “It is thanks to the combination of resourcefulness, technical skills, and technological research that a midsize company like ours competes with enormously larger American or Chinese companies,” says Graziano.

Manufacturing Landing Gear for Emission-Free Aircraft

Together with Lilium, Magnaghi Aeronautica (MA Group) is currently developing, manufacturing, and qualifying landing gears for the Lilium Jet. The agreement marks a significant evolution in the MA Group’s global landing gear solutions within the regional electric air mobility market. As a leading manufacturer in the field, the company will contribute to achieving the take-off and landing comfort performances of Lilium’s emission-free aircraft.

Giorgio Iannotti, SVP of Business and Product Development for MA Group, says the company shares Lilium’s vision of the huge potential of the urban air mobility segment. These innovations, he says, will bring a “new age of commercial transport.”

The group is now concentrating on continuously offering their capabilities, investments, heritage, and expertise. “We are also constantly developing our skills by anticipating market demands and needs” he explains. “By working closely with our customers, we are able to integrate our solutions to their programs more efficiently.”

All these achievements are due to the MA Group’s CEO company’s vertical conception of excellence. “Every single aspect of the production process, every single component has an equal importance. We are in a constant search for uncompromising quality,” says Graziano.

About Magnaghi Aeronautica Group

Magnaghi Aeronautica Group specializes in the design, certification, and production of landing systems, aerostructures, equipment, hydraulic, and electronic systems. The company has plants in Italy, the United States, Brazil, and the United Kingdom. In its more than 80 years of experience in the sector, the company has produced more than 20,000 landing gears for more than 7,000 aircraft.