A few years ago, I first posted about adjustable eyeglasses. Unlike the glasses you’re probably wearing right now to read this site, adjustable glasses don’t have a set prescription and instead allow the wearer to adjust the prescription as needed. This simplicity of design allows one to construct the glasses very cheaply. Medgadget has up a story about another type of these glasses that seems much simpler in design.

Eyejusters, a UK-based company, is hoping to bring clear sight… with the company’s self-adjusting glasses. Featuring the SlideLens technology, each lens in a pair of Eyejusters actually contains two lenses. Turning a dial on one of the temple arms causes the lenses to slide across each other, changing the overall spherical surface and thus changing the prescription. It works for those with myopia or presbyopia, and the glasses can be adjusted by the users themselves or anyone with very basic training.

You can buy your own pair of Eyejusters for only $40, but if you’re feeling philanthropic, you can help Eyejusters fulfill their vision of making their glasses available to developing nations. Much of their site is dedicated to providing resources for helping to distribute them, and the company is currently taking pre-orders for distribution kits that include the glasses, vision charts, and training materials.

Video below.