Gloucester Advocate:

Wards River inventor Cecil Wiseman has finally hit the big time.

Cecil will appear on Australia’s ABC television’s New Inventors program with his award winning ladder clamp known as the Wiseman Ladafast.

The clamp is secured onto the sides of the ladder while you are on the ground, then hoisted up the ladder so it can be fixed into position around a sturdy fixture such as the top of a wall, or a gutter.

“We’ve been trying for four years to get onto the show and about six weeks ago they finally rang and said we were in,” Cecil said.

Cecil hopes to begin manufacturing the clamps in Forster in the next few months.

“It’s hard without a lot of money behind you, but we’re hoping to have a few out and about soon.”

The State Emergency Service is interested in trialing the device.

Photo by Gloucester Advocate.

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