It's not too late Image
It's Not Too Late to Start an Internet Business 1985 Can you imagine how awesome it would have been to have been an entrepreneur in 1985 when almost any dot com name you wanted was available? All...
I recently had the opportunity to speak with Larry "Lo-Lo" White, the founder and namesake of Lo-Lo's Chicken & Waffles, a soul-food casual dining restaurant that is now offering a franchise. My questions are below in...
A reader wrote: Can you recommend a few other blogs about business ideas that I should read? Our answer: Sure, and we will do you one better! Below are 30 blogs about business ideas and opportunities we know...
There's a difference between someone who starts a business because they've found a profitable business idea, and business people who are absolutely driven, compelled even, to create the very best product possible. Have you seen the...
History of the Better Business Bureau The Better Business Bureau is 100 years old this year, and to celebrate, they’ve made an info-graphic of their accomplishments. The top of the graphic is below, and the full...
5 Profitable Businesses you Never Thought of How are you going about making money? What if you could make money with some of your craziest ideas? Here are a few wall ideas for very profitable businesses: Game...
shower - featured image

The Recirculating Shower

Taking a shower is a refreshing way to start the day. However, much of the energy it takes to heat the water is wasted as the warm water flows off you and down the drain. We may have found the solution. Read on for more.
dna testing - featured image
Are you inclined toward science, not specifically trained, but still interested in a legitimate business opportunity along those lines? Here's an idea for you. It's a business called Bio-Gene DNA Testing. They make tests that analyze DNA from saliva and blood samples. Read on to learn more.

Niche Biz: Rylaxing

Niche Business - Rylaxer Bed               Like most college students, Ryan Dickerson, a junior at Syracuse University, found himself wedged into a small dorm room that fit little more than a bed and a desk, according to...
Little Cloud Nine Travel Pillow Next up in our series of interviews with contestants in Walmart’s Get on the Shelf contest is Steve Diemer, inventor of Little Cloud Nine travel pillow. What a great idea!! What product...
Image of Galloping Goat Farms Home Page Logo
How to Start a Goat Farm Behind every farm there is a unique story and for Mike and Shannon Wiggins it all started with a couple goats. Their daughter became involved in 4H and they soon...
Getting any business going takes plenty of hard work and dedication. A knife sharpening concern is no exception. However, if you keep your nose to the grindstone, so to speak, you will experience success.
11 Year Old Invents the Pencil Ruler An eleven year old named Nathan had a problem. While doing his math homework, he needed to measure something but couldn’t find a ruler. He looked down at the...
How to Nurture Your Child's Entrepreneurial Spirit The following is a guest post by Lior Levin. These days, young entrepreneurs seem to be changing the world every day. Two of the largest and most important companies on...
In The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau shows you how to lead of life of adventure, meaning and purpose and earn a good living. Still in his early thirties, Chris is on the verge of completing a...
Image of Glow in the Dark Blue Jeans

Glow in the Dark Blue Jeans

Glow in The Dark Blue Jeans Naked & Famous Denim is a blue jean company in Montreal, Quebec that uses the most unique and rare denim fabrics from Japan. The prestigious mill in Japan, from which...
Creating a Business in a Stadium Parking Lot Jason Wotman admits the whole idea was born out of laziness. Tailgate parties are fun, but the transportation, set-up and clean-up are certainly no picnic. After one particular...
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In Malcom Gladwell’s review of Walter Isaacson’s book Steve Jobs, Gladwell argues that Steve Jobs wasn’t an inventor. Instead, he was a tweaker. A tweaker, according to economists Ralf Meisenzahl and Joel Mokyr, was a...
Lawyer Turned Children's Book Publisher Yahoo Finance: While reviewing a thick legal document in her office one night at 2:00 a.m., corporate attorney YiShaun Yang had an epiphany and she realized the desire to be her own...
  The problem: You put out your garbage cans, the wind knocks them over, the lid pops off and everything that was once inside is now blowing down the street. Then someone drives over the lid and...