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Whether you’re starting a new business or growing your existing company, cutting costs is essential. However, some cost-saving opportunities are difficult to spot. While it’s fairly easy to identify entirely unnecessary expenses, it’s harder to spot where you’re overpaying for services you actually need.

If you’ve hit a wall looking for ways to cut your business expenses, try these cost-saving strategies:

1. Store Your Merchandise Onsite

Provided you’re not dealing with massive quantities of inventory, it’s possible to cut your storage costs by storing your merchandise on your property. For example, a temporary warehouse is more affordable than off-site storage and it’s better than a pod. With a temporary warehouse, you can set up the inside as you see fit and use some of the space for fulfilment, distribution, and production. 

In most cases you won’t need to worry about getting a building permit if your warehouse structure meets the city’s definition of a temporary structure. However, it’s a good idea to check with the city before you commit to adding a new structure to your property. 

2. Hire a CPA to Assess Your Tax Situation

Often, people pay far more in taxes than required because they don’t know any better. If you do your own taxes, you might not be aware of all the cost-saving ways you can do by reducing your taxable income. 

You’ve probably already discussed your finances with an accountant. Accountants are great at giving cash flow adviceand spotting costly financial mistakes. However, to maximize your cost savings, you also need tax expertise from a CPA. 

You might be skipping over lesser known expenses you can write off. For instance, you can write off business interest and bank fees, business insurance, advertising costs, rent and moving expenses, legal fees, and even some personal expenses. A CPA can tell you exactly which deductions you can take.

3. Hire the Staff You Need

Hiring people costs money, but it’s more expensive to do everything yourself. When you’re trying to do everything yourself, you’re wasting precious time and energy that you could be using to do the things only you can do in your company. Things like create new products, speak with potential clients, and develop partnerships.

As a business owner, you shouldn’t be wasting your time editing your website, picking up a new mouse from Walmart, checking your traffic stats, or balancing your books. All of these tasks should be handled by other people which is a excellent cost-saving strategy to consider. 

If you don’t have much work that needs to get done, start with a single personal assistant. You can always hire more people as the need arises. If you’re performing tasks that anyone is capable of doing, it’s time to hire someone to fill that need.

As your business grows and you’re generating more income, you’ll want to hire bonafide employees and start building a strong team. Hiring a strong team is a small investment that will allow your business to grow and generate more profits long-term.


4. Shop Around for Alternatives

You might be overpaying for services without realizing there are cheaper, equal alternatives. For every expense you have, shop around for alternatives to find out if you can switch for a better deal. This cost-saving strategy is essential for maximum financial success. For example, there are several top industry-standard software options for email lists and CRM services. However, if you don’t need all the fancy features, there’s no reason to pay several hundred dollars more per month.

First, identify your actual needs and find reputable services that meet those needs. You can always upgrade to the more popular software later when it’s justified.

Cut Costs, but Keep Your Eye on Your Teams

Cutting costs is important, but it’s not the only cost-saving strategy involved in creating a successful business. Successful businesses also have strong teams and clearly defined goals. 

To reach your definition of success, keep your eye on your teams and your business operations. Devote an equal amount of time to developing your team and ensuring they embody your brand in all their interactions with each other and your customers.  

Cutting costs will free up the cash you need to invest in your business. However, success will come from how you operate and the kind of reputation you and your teams create for your company.