Featured photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Many entrepreneurs are embracing selling online courses as an additional source of revenue these days.

Why are they doing this? Well, the reason is pretty simple. Online courses cost less money and take less time to create. Moreover, they involve no shipping costs, and the course owner can sell an online course limitless times.

Not only are online courses easy to create and sell, there is a growing knowledge economy. Moreover, the need for information has increased demand for online courses. The statistics prove that this is a booming market, powered even more by the current pandemic.

The emergence of these trends, coupled with the fact that people currently prefer the comfort and flexibility of their homes, makes this guide about how you can make money by creating, promoting, and selling online courses all the more pertinent.


Create Valuable Content for More Sales of Your Online Courses

When it comes to the Internet, if there is a key that unlocks every door, it is valuable content. There are three steps to creating valuable content for your online course.

Identify the Audience for Your Online Course

Valuable content will lead to more sales of your online course. And if you want to create valuable content, you need to figure out how to find your target audience.

Doing so will help you get answers to questions like:

  • What do my customers want to learn?
  • Why do they need to learn it?
  • How will I motivate them to choose my online courses?

For more sales of your online courses, design them around the answers to these questions. This is because your audience will only pay for content that helps them achieve their goals.

Hang out on Forums Your Target Learners Use

In order to create a platform for your target audience, you need to gain an insight into your future students’ likes and dislikes. Do this by going to online forums and communicating with them. This sort of research will enable you to find out what challenges they face. Design your online course so that it solves their challenges and you will enjoy more sales.

Pitch Your Online Course Material Appropriately for More Sales

Lastly, you have to keep in mind what level of education your target learners already have and what more they want to learn. This will help you design your online courses according to their needs, and this will lead to more sales. You want your online courses to be neither too hard nor too easy.

Offer Your Online Courses for Sale on the Right Platform

Now that you have designed the perfect content for your online course, you need to select a legitimate platform for your course. There are a lot of choices when it comes to platforms. But you need to find one that has all the functionality you want and need.

Regardless of what platform you choose for your course, you need to keep factors such as performance management, team learning management, personal development plans, and accreditation management in mind. A platform that offers all of these things is best for sales of your online course.

Marketing Your Course

It doesn’t matter if you have created the best online course for a particular subject if your target audience doesn’t know that it exists. If your online course exists in a vacuum, you’ll have no sales. All of your hard work will go down the drain.


To make sure people know your course exists, you have to pay as much attention to marketing your course as you do to creating it. Here are a few ways you can do that:

Create a Website

Regardless of what kind of business you are running, having a website is a must. You can feature information about you and your courses and promote your products and services through your website.

Stay in Touch with Your Audience

The best way to make a name for yourself is to treat your existing customers with professionalism and respect. When learners who use your courses have a good experience, they will give good feedback about you.

Ask students to write reviews of your online courses on your website. Also, you can start with a free email service for promoting new courses and spreading the word about promotions and discounts.

Before getting in touch with your customers, however, it’s a good idea to run your email list through an email verifier in order to check for misspelled emails or the ones no longer in use.

Use Social Media Platforms

You can also start a brand page on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. By posting regularly and staying in touch with your audience, you will create a good brand image and promote your products easily.

For Better Sales Make Your Online Courses Look Presentable

Last but not least, make sure you are providing value to your learners and offering something unique.

The trademark of a good course is that it is easy to read and understand. Moreover, a good course contains a good amount of graphics and images that explain the text. Additionally, it has an appropriate format so that the learner doesn’t have any trouble finding the information. So carve out room in your budget to hire a designer to make your courses readable and more understandable.