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Pricing and pricing model selection are key stages in the creation of a software product. Such decisions frequently influence whether a startup will be profitable and prosperous in general. In this post, we discuss the most common software pricing models. Then we delve into how to calculate the cost of SaaS so that your company can succeed.


Common Software Pricing Models


Freemium (from “free” + “premium”), is a software pricing model in which the product has a free edition with restrictions and a full paid edition with more features.

What is freemium? Simply put, you can use some software for free, but certain features are available only when you pay for a subscription. For example, in dating apps, you can see who liked you by buying the premium version.

Freemium products lower the barrier to entry for users. It is based on the belief that when consumers get used to utilizing some services they would naturally want to increase the variety of choices available to them. Softwarepricing.com will help you to develop either this model or one of the others described below. Any of them will enhance your business.

Flat Rate Software Pricing

Flat rate software pricing denotes that the user will pay a single, consistent price for the goods.

For instance, a user might pay once to access the service or once to purchase an app and download it. Compared to other pricing models, this one is now less common, but some businesses still utilize it.

However, a flat rate does not guarantee that the software pricing will never increase. If the company adds new features, it makes sense to increase the product’s price.

Additionally, firms typically set a limit on how many times customers can receive updates, and upgrading is usually a paid option.

Pay per User

Software pricing per user, which is the pricing model used in pay-per-user products, is far more popular than flat rate pricing. A single user connects to the service and pays a monthly fee according to stated rates. The cost of the service rises if more people use it.

Pay per Feature

The capabilities of the product determine the price categories in this pricing strategy, which is extremely typical for startups. The user views several functional tariffs and picks the best option based on pricing and their required features. The pricing increases with the number of software features.

Tiered Software Pricing

Tiered pricing is arguably the most well-liked software pricing strategy. The majority of companies use it.

With this approach, clients are given the option of a number of service packages at various price points that integrate the benefits of other pricing models. For instance, the business offers the consumer three tariffs, each of which offers a different set of features at a different cost. Each package is simultaneously valid when paying for one user.

The ideal number of tariff rates is three. The first is the least expensive tariff. The second tariff offers the customer a set of all the features they require at the best price. And the last is the professional tier, which is aimed either at experts who will use specific functions or for businesses that require special options.


How to Calculate the Cost of SaaS for Success

You can follow these steps to develop an effective software pricing structure for your company:

1. Study Your Business Model

Before deciding on a suitable software pricing structure, study your business model and take into account the cost of producing your services.

It is critical to select a pricing model that can cover your company’s costs so that your company is profitable. You can choose a software pricing model that is suitable for the services you provide. For instance, a user-based pricing model is great for B2B firms, but may not be appropriate for a B2C company strategy.

Determining how you want to present your business and which market you are trying to enter can also assist you in determining the right software pricing model for your company.

For example, let’s assume that your main market is large corporations. In this case, it may make sense for you to choose a user-based pricing structure. This is because companies can afford higher tariff plans. Moreover, this model will naturally increase the number of users using your services.

2. Research Your Industry

You can learn a lot about which software pricing structure can be successful in your industry by looking at your competitors.

Think about what services are already available in your market and look for ways to stand out. For example, if your competitors offer only a fixed rate, you can offer a viable option by providing a pricing system based on usage. Alternatively, if your client base would like a tiered pricing model, think about integrating that with your customers’ expectations.

3. Adapt to Changes

Consider changing prices or tweaking the pricing structure as your business grows and changes. If you find that the structure you have chosen does not scale well with the growth of the business over time or does not allow for innovation in terms of the features you provide, you can upgrade it. This may perplex some clients at first, but it may be worth the increase in revenue. You can refine your software pricing structure over time to benefit the majority of your customers and contribute to the growth of your company.