The Ultimate Way to Track Your Influencer Marketing Campaign

While influencer marketing works well, it’s important to know exactly how well your influencer marketing campaign is working. Each company wants to see how influencer marketers improve their branding. Hence, tracking your campaign is important. Here are a few ways to do that.


1. Watch for Traffic

An influencer’s job is to drive traffic to your campaign. Seeing how many people have visited your social media page, your blog, website or vendor page is a good way to know if an influencer is creating traction for your brand.


2. Make Note of Followers

An influencer marketing campaign works when the influencer you’re working with has a large following. When their area of influence is large and widespread, your reach also increases. This is the easiest way to check if your campaign will enjoy the success you desire for it.


3. Count Mentions

The whole point of an influencer marketing campaign is to spread the word. How many times your product, service or brand gets mentioned is key to this goal. Keep a lookout for the number of times there’s a mention of your brand to know if your campaign is going well.




4. Track Likes

When a follower likes a post, the post gains mileage on social media. This is a simple way to know how many members of the audience have seen the influencer’s post and acknowledged it. A like often means something as basic as, “Message received.”


5. Appreciate Shares

Likes should, ideally, lead to shares. That’s also something you can easily see on Facebook. Shares mean that people who may not be in the influencer’s audience also get to see what your product is all about. This increases your target audience immensely.


6. Relish Comments

Conversations are important, and on social media, they are part of the influencer’s job. Therefore, if a member of the audience has asked a pointed question or chosen to comment on the content shared, it’s important for the influencer to address it. Follow the conversation the influencer has with others, and check for how engaged he or she is.

Look also at the tone of the comments. Both too negative and too positive comments are red flags. Nonetheless, comments and follow-up conversations are a good way to gauge your campaign.


7. Report It

If you’re using more than one influencer, it can get a bit confusing to keep track. A simple thing to do is to use a spreadsheet with different columns for each influencer and the statistics for each person.



8. Use Tools

From the Social option on Google Analytics to other tools for other social media pages, there’s a lot of help for a marketer. Apart from BuzzSumo, Insightpool and Klear, if you’re looking for something specific for Twitter, you can try the Followerwonk tool. Explore your options and use them.


9. Harness the Power of Google Analytics

Tracking the numbers is part of your job to measure influencer effectiveness. To that end, Google Analytics has a demographics report that will help to ensure that your brand is getting across to people. Then, based on the numbers you see, you can decide what your strategy going forward should be.


10. Keep the Influencer in the Loop

For instance, in the demographics report, make sure you keep the influencer posted. That’s because working together is essential to come up with a game plan that works for marketer, influencer, product and audience.


Make the Most of Your Campaign

So by all means, do launch your influencer marketing campaign. But at the same time, make the most of it by tracking your results. Then you can fine tune your strategy for even better results.