If you have an online business, one of the chief ways you can boost your income is with affiliate marketing. An affiliate is a site owner who promotes their company on your site. In return, they pay you a commission when certain results occur. Ideally, an affiliate arrangement benefits both parties.
Marketing tactics to get existing customers to spend more
If you are a business owner, you already know that marketing in general can be quite a challenge in today’s world. In fact, companies and businesses across the globe use pretty sophisticated techniques and marketing tactics to draw consumers to their services and products. Below, we discuss some unique marketing tactics that some of the most successful businesses in the world are using in order to entice their customers into spending more money.
Traditionally, wedding and other events planners relied on direct mail to grow their business. Or they placed advertisements in local newspapers or on radio or TV. Their mainstay, though, was word-of-mouth advertising. However, modern day marketing methods, especially search engine marketing, have replaced those traditional methods. Here we share some tips and tricks to help expand your wedding planner business through search engine marketing.
Cost-effective marketing solutions can communicate the substance of your business and put you on the road to success. For example, a focus on content marketing doesn’t have to be a huge expense. But it can give your business a much-needed boost. Just focus on providing quality content and the results are sure to follow.
SEO was the big thing back in the day, but social media has taken the spotlight as a serious marketing tool for most brands today. While search is still a major entry venue for most businesses seeking visitors to their sites, social media offers bona fide customer engagement. There are reasons why lots of brands are ramping up their efforts to become more active on social media, and we plan to get into a few of the major ones right now.
Many of us don’t see ourselves as marketers, but it is something we have to do, and we have to be good marketers to grow our businesses. So let's learn how to enjoy it!
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Learn Digital Marketing Skills FREE via Google Primer Yesterday I received an email in my inbox from Google Primer. I was not too sure what Google Primer was but the email insisted, “Primer is a fast,...
The idea of content marketing might be alien to some business who are still used to paying for space in print publications or radio commercials, but it’s growing at a rapid rate – especially given that 81% of customers conduct online research before they buy anything.Businesses are increasingly turning to content marketing in order to boost their reputation, as advertising continues to evolve to keep pace with the digital age. If you know your business could use some quality content marketing to kick it into high gear but you don’t know where to turn, read on to find out more.
When it comes to marketing, the real estate industry is in a league of its own. There are some fundamental differences in the methodology of marketing for real estate as compared with most other industries. For example, in a typical business setting, you have to market the products or services that you provide. While this also rings true for real estate, you have the added weight of having to market yourself. If you’re just getting started, it may seem like a daunting task to have to prove to the world that you can do it. Here are some tips to implement in your overall strategy to help get yourself out there.
If you want your customers to find you online easily, you’ll need to follow some recognized techniques for search engine optimization, usually referred to as SEO. If the internet’s search engines can’t find you online, your customers won’t find you either. So if you’re building an online business, SEO, as daunting as it can seem at first, is an area you really need to learn about. To get you started, we offer 4 ethical SEO strategies that have been proven to work. 
As a business owner you probably wonder how to successfully market your company, your products, or your services without breaking the bank. A quick search on the internet for “marketing” will leave you dizzy from the number of options available. In addition, marketing is a creative skill, one that can take a lifetime to master. Here are a few tips to simplify things while you’re developing your marketing strategy.
Cosmetics are all about appearances, and that includes the packaging. If you’re in the cosmetics business, the good news for you is that the packaging industry for cosmetics is exquisitely well-developed, and providers of packaging have innovative solutions just waiting for you. You’re sure to find just the right packaging for your cosmetics that’s cost-effective, attractive and practical. Read on to learn more.
When it comes to branding your business, you always want to stay ahead of the curve, and every year, new trends come along that shape the direction for branding in the year ahead. From giving your customers a more personalized experience to finding ways to use such innovations as virtual reality and big data, you'll want to stay informed so your brand—and your business—don't get left behind.
Keywords are defined as, "the phrases that explain the content of a page and the queries, inserted by users, into the search engines." As such, webmasters in support of the inquiry must correctly optimize that particular page. For example, if you are looking for info regarding cars, the key phrase “cars” should be inserted. Makes sense, Right? This article is full of tips to help you navigate your way through google search terms and get some help if you need it.
Sometimes a marketing budget won't stretch to cover everything, and in many cases, trying to do everything with limited funds means you aren’t using your budget effectively. In this article, marketing agency Every1, will explain ways to better stretch your marketing dollars.
Google explains micro marketing moments as, "the critical touch points of a customers journey" Read the full article to discover this journey and find out where in the journey your customers WILL buy from you
I was just looking myself for a way to reach out to my former customers and find out what they liked about my site and what I could do to improve it for them. I found an excellent article by MarketingLand.com and wanted to share it with you here. It has great tips on how to re-engage your old customers so enjoy!
Online advertising is slowly taking over more traditional forms of marketing. Your own business needs to jump on the train so as not to get left behind.
Like any other business, when running a law firm, there is always the same marketing question; what part of your campaign and spend is generating good, quality leads? Once any business can answer that, they can begin to improve their campaign and spend money in the right places - ones that improve the bottom line. Here is one unique system we thought you would like to hear about.
Figure out what keywords people are searching for when they look to buy a home. Keywords are an integral part of any SEO effort because they can help get your website ranked high in search engines such as Google. Here are some tips to show you exactly what to do