Striking the Delicate Balance Between Content Marketing and Traditional Media Marketing; Content Marketing Tips For Small Business

Content marketing is a great new way to reach your customer base. And the good news is, you can use it in conjunction with traditional marketing for an even wider reach that is sure to increase your revenue.

Content marketing is designed to attract and retain customers by creating content that reflects your brand and changes the way they see and interact with your company. Content marketing is used by many of the largest corporations in the world but it is not just for the big guys. Here are a few pointers you need to keep in mind when you decide to add content marketing to your strategy.

Create Great Content

As with any marketing plan, content is king. Without interesting and original content, all of your television ads, mailers and social media posts will be worthless. Customers respond to great content and you need to take advantage of this and provide it for them. Over deliver and you will see the benefits.

Anytime you are creating content, try to use a strong headline that grabs the reader’s attention quickly and dramatically. Many times, when customers are on the internet, they are just browsing through headlines that can blur together. A well-thought out headline can be the difference between a customer reading your marketing material or just scrolling through.

Also, try to offer the answer to a problem your potential customers may have. Whatever product or service you provide, let the reader know why they may need you.

Engage With Your Customers

Anytime you post new content to your website, you should provide a space where your customers can respond and react to it. Comment sections are a staple on most web pages nowadays, and you can take advantage of this by reading through the comments your customers leave and even responding to them to create an ongoing conversation. Your customers will love the one on one attention you can give them in this way.

You can also combine this with traditional marketing. If you send out a mailer using your mailing software, try to add content that will make you customers think, like a Top 10 list that relates to your products and services. This will pique their interest and make them think of your company anytime anything from the list comes up in their everyday lives.

Give your customers something to think about and they will be more willing to engage with your digital marketing efforts. This combination is a sure-fire way to gain and retain customers.

Share Your Philosophy

Today, customers don’t want to just use your products or services: they want to know what your company is about and what it represents. Don’t be afraid to share your business philosophy — the more personal things that you and your employees subscribe to. You may be surprised how your customers respond. What do you believe in? What products do you use that are better for the environment or safer than other companies use? Why do you use them and how are you better? Your customers will love to know all the reasons why you are working harder for them so tell them all about it.

Content marketing is a great way to do just that. On your website you can write blog posts that reflect your philosophical ideals and allow your customers to engage and respond, building stronger and more personal relationships that will keep them coming back.

Use content marketing to build your customer base and increase your revenue.

Natasha Bolton is a graduate working for a marketing firm in London. A keen article writer in her spare time, Tasha often writes about marketing for small businesses, sharing her inside knowledge with small business owners.

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