Regardless of whether you see blogging as a hobby or full time job, it is one of the most profitable ways to generate passive income. And it costs little or nothing to start.
passive income
Passive income is everyone's ultimate dream, right? Having passive income is like having an income conveyor belt that allows you to make money for your business while you do absolutely nothing. However, achieving the reality is far from easy. Being able to rely on a passive income requires hard work upfront. There is no magic switch you can install on your business’s website. You'll have to be willing to do the work in the beginning and keep things running with routine maintenance after that. That's because if there’s a chink in the chain, that chain isn’t moving at optimum speed. And speed is essential to keep your business’s passive income running along. Here are a few methods to help you get started.
Today’s business owners face challenges in promoting their companies that are very different from the ones their parents and great-grandparents faced. Gone are the days of a few local competitors, to say nothing of the days of one general store in each town. What's more, modern businesses’ many challenges almost all have something in common: the root of them is the increased amount of information available to the customer.
drop shipping
So, you're looking for a way to get into business for yourself and you don't have a lot of upfront capital? It could be that drop shipping is just the thing for you. In this article we give a brief overview of the basics to get you started.
Affordable marketing strategies are available all across the World Wide Web. They are not far from your grasp. You just need to know where to look. Moreover, your marketing efforts don’t need to eat into your profit margins. Read on to discover our top tips for affordable marketing to promote your online business.
Growth hacking is a term many marketers like to throw around these days, yet only a few really understand how to leverage it for real-world results. Its ultimate goal is the exponential growth of the company. In short, growth hacking is reaching your target astronomically fast. Are you ready? Let’s get started.
brand awareness
Are you looking to start up a business, but have no idea how to go about creating the brand awareness to actually promote it? Brand awareness is important because it’s often the first step in building advertising objectives, so those who have no brand awareness are likely to find themselves with minimal leads and little customer engagement.
The entrepreneurial dream of starting a company or business is one that many people have from the time they’re very young. Once you've achieved that goal, it's time to develop a clever marketing plan. Only then will your business achieve its goals and more. Of course, the problem that many startups experience is that they don’t have much of a budget for marketing in the early days. However, some of the most effective marketing techniques don't require much capital. Here we offer some tips for promoting your company in its startup stages.
SendPulse combines email marketing with web push notifications to help users increase their subscriber count, drive more traffic and boost engagement. Despite being new and taking on established players in the market, SendPulse has more than 250,000 active users. Notably, these users include bloggers, business owners, marketers, and large corporations.
online course business
“How on earth do I create a successful online course business?” That is a question that a lot of aspiring online entrepreneurs are asking. I can’t blame them. With how profitable (and liberating) running a successful online course business can be, it is only but natural for people to pursue the business opportunity. However, even having said all that, the fact remains that most people are still oblivious about how to build a successful online course business. Are you struggling with the same thing? Have you been failing miserably at your attempts of building an online course business? If you answered with a “yes,” then you’re in luck. I’m going to share with you the anatomy of a successful online course business, so you’ll have a better idea of how to create one. Let’s hop right in.
When people think about marketing gamification, they commonly think about loyalty programs. However, it has moved far beyond simple loyalty programs. Now, it is creeping more and more into other marketing strategies and even product development. Are you leveraging gamification in your marketing strategy? If not, it's time to level up.
Automotive businesses have great potential to grow, considering the industry’s steady rise over the past few years. As people look for convenient transportation, car financing has become more accessible. More consumers are also keeping their older vehicles, choosing to do scheduled servicing to prolong their lifespan. These trends all point to a bright future for your car replacement parts business. However, people don’t look for your services until they need them. So the challenge is being the first service provider with a relevant offer. But amidst the sea of competition, how can you tread the waters? Here are some tips for boosting the sales of your car replacement parts business.
Business has always been a matter of intelligence. Free up your creativity and curiosity by using SMS to take care of your routine tasks. And give your marketing a boost, too, by adding SMS to your marketing plans.
Whether you’re interested in building your brand, generating website traffic, making sales, or just about any other specific objective, influencer marketing will likely be the road that leads to the most impressive results.
Are you racking your brain trying to figure out the best way to market your brand or company? And wouldn't you just love to increase your reach to your target market? Well, then, have you heard about the power of influencer marketing? Influencer marketing has the potential to rapidly accelerate the growth and visibility of your brand. Used well, it can pull your brand out of obscurity and into the global limelight.
promotional items
While most folks consider promotional materials a luxury more than a necessity, there is good reason to believe that promotional materials do a lot more to build brand awareness than is typically believed. Fortune 500 companies and startup companies alike spend millions of dollars each year on promotional items. T-shirts, key chains, letter openers, and other objects are the usual suspects. Interestingly, there is research into how and why these items are most effective. As it turns out, they’re most likely to be the most successful in increasing brand awareness when people use them in places where they do most of their business decision-making.
B2B Marketing
I get it: You’ve read your fair share of online articles about B2B marketing strategies, haven’t you? And if I’m guessing right, most of those write-ups are generic—borderline useless. You can’t imagine why anyone would even take the time to write such a piece. Don’t worry. This article isn’t one of those. If you’re sick and tired of reading pointless articles about B2B marketing that trick you into reading them by claiming they're “must-read guides,” then you’re in the right place.
For sure you’ve placed your logo everywhere you can think of. You've covered all the usual suspects—your website header, your profile photos on social media, your product packaging—but where else can you display your logo, the all-important image that represents your brand? Here’s a roundup of five places you might have missed.
It can be difficult to make sense of the acronyms used for online advertising, but whether you choose CPM, CPC, CPL, or CPA advertising, you want to get the most for your money. Here we offer an in-depth look at one of those acronyms—CPM. We tell you what all those other letters stand for, too. But we focus here on CPM, tell you what you should use it for, and review the networks that give you the best return on your investment (ROI) for CPM advertising.
The thinking behind influencer marketing is really quite simple. The idea is that if you pitch your content to an influencer, that person will share your content with his or her followers. When this happens, you get some attention and interest from their followers. However, things don't always go this smoothly, since there are other factors involved. So how can you influence the way that social influencers to respond to you?