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The Importance of Commercial Security Measures


Everyone knows that theft is a problem for all businesses, whether you are a large multinational company or a small suburban start-up. Theft can manifest itself physically through the form of money or products, but the theft of information can in many cases be even more damaging than the loss of material items. Commercial security measures are not only important for businesses, they should be considered with the utmost seriousness, and implemented as soon as possible.

Data and Computer Security

Almost all workplaces use a computer, and if there is no network system in place, it would be quite easy for an employee to copy files from their computer onto their own personal USB or hard drive. These files could contain anything from marketing strategies to your business’ budgets, and could be extremely harmful if they end up in the wrong hands. Every business should consider setting up a monitored network that keeps employees honest as well as giving you peace of mind.

Physical Security Related to Technology

Your business’s data should also be protected physically as well as through the network. Any backups made should be locked away in a secure location, especially those made by employees. If you want to be extra safe, you can even disable USB ports to prevent anyone from stealing your information. Another area that is extremely important but not considered by many is the print room, or wherever the printers are kept. If a printer is stolen, its memory is able to be hacked, and recently copied or printed documents can then be obtained quite easily. Printers should be bolted down to ensure this does not happen. Physical copies of documents should also be treated quite carefully. All unwanted or imperfect copies of any type of document, regardless of the information it holds, should be shredded.

Internet Security

The internet is becoming an ever present force in business, especially with the advent of online shopping and the ability to store large amounts of data online. If you do store data online, make sure the locks on it are airtight, and that the data cannot be easily accessed, if at all. With regard to customers, this is where encryption is key – without such a system, customers’ personal details (including credit card details, addresses and the like) could be intercepted and used for others’ own devices. Identity theft has come to be a big issue in the fast expanding world, so you must ensure protection for not only your employees, but also your customers.

These are just a few reasons commercial security measures are extremely important, but different businesses will have differing issues to combat. If you are particularly concerned with the security of your business’s physical premises, specialists like Stylewise Security can help you figure out what’s best.

Do you own a business? How do you ensure the security of your information? Have you found that some ways are more effective than others? Leave a comment below if you have any suggestions or thoughts.