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The Vital Importance of Confidentiality for Startups

Starting a business is not an easy task. Neither is it easy to maintain confidentiality over its most sensitive aspects.

An entrepreneur is an individual who is able to convert an idea into a profit-generating business. It can be tough to do this successfully. One of the chief reasons is that other people can so easily steal and use your ideas—if you are unwise enough to disclose the details heedlessly.

For this reason, you will need to take precautions. It is of vital importance to play your cards close to your vest. Below are some ways of doing so.


Maintain Confidentiality with Non-Disclosure Agreements

Among the ways you can protect your business ideas are to prepare a non-disclosure agreement for your employees and business partners to sign before they begin working with you.

Keep in mind that the information or idea you’re basing your business on has value. It’s every bit as valuable as currency, maybe even more so. Insist that your employees sign a non-disclosure document agreeing that they will not share information about your business with anyone, especially your competitors or anyone who might become your competitor.

For another example, let’s say you are working with other players on a single business idea. Each person in the group will contribute to the implementation of that business idea. You therefore need to disclose your idea to them to the degree that they can add to it with their own ideas.

However, if they have not agreed to respect the confidential nature of their work with you, they might decide to sell that idea elsewhere. With a nondisclosure agreement they will be obligated to keep valuable information about your business private.

Keep Your Business Idea Unique

Yes, it can be great fun to share about your ideas, almost as much fun as playing slots for free in the comfort of your own home. After all, you’re excited about your ideas—so excited, in fact, that you’ve started a business based on them. But don’t let your excitement get the better of you. Don’t tell anyone and everyone about your great new ideas. That’s just not smart.

Remember that if you make your idea public, then it is no longer your idea. If everyone can learn about it, someone else besides you could choose to implement it before you do. Keep such vital information private until you have fully executed your idea.

Share your best business ideas only as necessary and only with a few people you know you can trust. Keep access to vital information about your business within a small, tight circle.

Protect Your Intellectual Property

If your idea is truly unique and you believe it has great potential for generating profits for your company, it might be smart to register it for a patent. With a patent, your idea will be protected under the law as your intellectual property, at least for the foreseeable future. However, the process of obtaining and maintaining patents is an expensive one and not a wise choice for most small businesses.

It is not easy maintaining confidentiality around your business ideas. However, it is necessary if you want to retain possession of those ideas. When you’re starting a business, it is vital that you keep your sensitive information private.