Home Running Your Business

Running Your Business

GRE prep
Are you considering pursuing an advanced degree in order to further your entrepreneurial dreams? If you’re thinking about an MBA, for instance, you’ll need to take the Graduate Record Examinations, otherwise known as the GRE. And you won’t want to approach these examinations without a good deal of preparation.
Educating employees
One of the most important things you can do as a business owner is to help educate your employees. By taking the initiative to train them you can ensure that they are keeping...
Some companies are in desperate need of an update to their branding. Does your business fall into this category? Would you recognize the signs if this were the case? Furthermore, would you know what to do if your company needed an update to its branding? Here are some tell-tale signs that you need to engage with a branding service immediately.
forklift - featured image
The fork of a forklift directly holds the object the machine is moving. Due to the strain these forks can take on, they may eventually need to be replaced. When you are looking for a new forklift fork, there are various factors to consider. Read here to find out more.
business consultancy represented by two men discussing business matters while viewing a tablet and an laptop
Many companies turn to business consultancy services for guidance and advice during tough times. These services provide valuable expertise and help companies to perform better and grow.
flexible working hours
It’s highly likely that flexible working hours will become the new norm within five years. Technologies are constantly being developed and adapted to make flexible working more feasible. Employers are also starting to see the benefits a flexible workforce can deliver. It's true that there are challenges. However, the benefits of flexible working hours far outweigh the initial risks and concerns.
asset-based lending - featured image
If you’re looking for business financing to put toward renovations or expansion, to meet day-to-day expenses, or to take care of other business initiatives, asset based lending will help.
Microsoft-CRM Integration Is a Crucial Component of Any Business’s Success
CRM-ERP integration is a pivotal part of success in today’s hypercompetitive market landscape. Data integration facilitates agile responsiveness, accurate data collection and analysis, and superior customer service. These are crucial abilities for any sustainable business.
Meetings can be stressful enough, but for business travelers on the go, they can be a nightmare. If you’re a traveling businessman or businesswoman, then you know it’s always crunch time. Don’t worry though. Here are some tips to help you keep your cool and arrive on time (and maybe even early!) to your next business meeting, no matter where you are.
business loans
Securing a small business loan is a complicated task that needs to be done carefully. In this article, find out about some common mistakes to avoid.
Office Space
An office space sets you apart from the remote working competition, allowing you to give that professional edge that others just don’t have. A home office is great, but it just isn’t as sophisticated as the real thing. Let's find out if your business could use a office space.
career development - featured image
Do you see promise in some of your employees, promise they don't see in themselves? When you do, offer to guide and mentor them toward a more fulfilling career. The post here is a guide to help you help them. Additionally, this article contains tips that we can all use, business owner and employee alike.
Everything You Should Know About Workplace Sexual Harassment
No one wants their company to be the next one to receive media attention for being an employer who tolerates harassment. In this article, we outline everything you need to know about workplace sexual harassment.
Principles of 5G Networks in 2022
What is a 5G private network? What are the special features 5G networks? Find out what you need to know in this article from Uctel.
The Role of Crypto Trading in Russia's Economy
Cryptocurrencies have been gaining popularity in Russia in recent years. In fact, crypto trading has become a significant part of Russia’s economy, and experts estimate that around 4% of all Russians are now involved in some way or another.
ecommerce - featured image
eCommerce offers many advantages to businesses and customers, but it has also caused several issues. In this article we take a look at the world of eCommerce and learn about its pros and cons.
Here is a brief summary of the most popular types of business opportunities available to prospective entrepreneurs today.
Junk Removal Business
Ever considered starting a junk removal business? Learn how to start the business with a reputable name and sustainable workflow.
How Can You Start Your Wholesaling Business?
If you plan to start a business and try to profit from it, now is the best time to start working on it. One of the businesses you can consider opening is a wholesaling business. Here is a helpful guide to get you started.
reduce costs in product development
Reducing costs of development means you will need less money to get your product off the ground and can turn a profit faster.