e-cigarette business
Want to know a little secret? There are a lot of successful vape or e-cigarette business owners who started their shops when they had little or no experience in retailing. Today, they will tell you that they can't begin to understand how they managed to succeed in the vape industry. But succeed they did. All the same, when you're considering opening a vape shop, there are a lot of things you need to know. So what should you do when you're starting an e-cigarette business?
For those who want to go into business but prefer an easier entry into the market, opening a franchise is a widely available option today. Here are three benefits franchises have over startups.
  If you have a business license and a tax ID number and want to get your hands on products long before they make it to the retail segment, check out these 10 resources (listed...
businesses and social media - featured image
Many business owners aren’t sure if using social media is right for them. They wonder whether it will be a waste of time. Is it really a good idea? Here, we discuss how companies can embrace and use social media platforms to their benefit.
outsourcing SEO
Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay  As the owner of a small business you don’t have to become an expert in SEO, but you do need to invest in it....
working abroad
There are few things in life that will change you as profoundly as traveling and working abroad. However, you might want to earn additional income while you're there. Here are a few tried and tested ways to make extra cash overseas.
How to Build a Roadmap That Leads You to Your Goal
The purpose of a roadmap for your business is the same as for any other roadmap: It helps you get to your destination. But instead of taking you on a road trip to the Grand Canyon, this roadmap leads you toward your objective. Here are some tips on using a roadmap to benefit your company.
Customer Survey
Customers are an important part of any business's success. Learn why customer surveys are essential and help drive your business's growth.
brochures being printed
When you use printed brochures in conjunction with clever online marketing you will cover all bases. You can truly wow your potential customers and entice them to want to find out more about your brand.
virtual reality - featured image
Want to wow the crowds at your next trade show event? Then give your booth’s visitors an interactive experience with virtual reality.
marketing budget - featured image
In this post, we list some effective strategies to help your marketing plan achieve the results you want, regardless of the size of your budget.
bitcoin - featured image
It isn’t just everyday people who have shown interest in bitcoin. Many celebrities admit to having invested in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. Let’s take a look at just a few of the many celebrities who have expressed their support for the currency of the future.
B2B brand - featured image
Is it essential for B2B companies to have a strong brand? A company's brand is the public's perception of it, and this is as true for B2B companies as it is for B2C companies. But let’s get into it: Why does your B2B company need a strong brand?
company goals celebration denoted by four fists bumping over a chart signifying success
How do you make your company goals a reality and not remain a mere dream? You start by creating milestones to serve as guidelines. Here are some strategies to help you accomplish your business goals and achieve business success.
technology - featured image
Technology is a small-business owner’s best friend. In fact, the right technology will make it possible for your small business to be in direct competition with its larger competitors. Here is a short list of some of the technology you'll need for starting your small business.
temporary buildings - featured image
In this guide, we talk about the benefits of temporary structures. We also share some handy tips on how to go about obtaining planning permission.
cloudways - featured image
In this post, we discuss Cloudways, a Magento cloud hosting solution. Does it meet all of Magento's essential requirements? Let's find out.
workers for a home delivery business loading freight for the day's deliveries
If you're considering starting your own home delivery business, this comprehensive guide will provide a step-by-step approach to getting your venture off the ground.
Stripe business and payments software being used for an in-person payment
Are you searching for the most cost-effective payment processing service for your online business? Stripe has become one of online merchants' top choices. Find out what this payment processor offers to merchants like you.
Image of iMac Computer for Apple Home Advisor Jobs
Work from Home with Apple Home Advisor Jobs “Make your passion a profession” is what Apple says the job can mean to you. Are you looking for a way to make money from home? Do you like...