bond market
The bond market has a significant role in determining the direction of currencies and exchange rates. Therefore, if you haven’t been tracking bonds as part of your trading, here’s a good primer on why you should consider the bond market. This is especially true for currency traders, since bonds influence the currency pairs in your portfolio.
bitcoin system - featured image
The Bitcoin System is an algorithm-driven digital bot. It performs trade actions by analyzing financial news and market trends. In this post, we aim to uncover the truth about this bot by reviewing available information about it.
Optometry Buying Group - featured image
Optometrists are great at treating eye problems, but running an independent optometry practice requires a lot of negotiations with suppliers, insurance agents, and other service providers. On the other hand, being part of a group of thousands of members gives optometrists leverage and access to special discounts.
New Year's Resolutions - featured image
Are you in the habit of starting each new year with a list of New Year's resolutions? Many people do. However, almost as many fail to follow through with their positive intentions. In this post, we share some tips for making realistic resolutions and keeping them.
Credit cards get a polarized reaction from many small business owners. They either view credit cards as a great opportunity or a trap. It’s true that there are certain pitfalls. However, there are benefits to financing a business with a credit card if you pay careful attention and invest wisely. Here is a list of top-rated credit cards.
bad credit score
Building a good credit score is important both for you personally and for your business. That's because a bad credit score can make it difficult for you to access products such as credit cards or loans when you need them.
mine cryptocurrency - feature image
Have you ever wanted to mine cryptocurrency? But then you found out it uses too much electricity and is very expensive. What’s more, it would require a whole room or even a building just to house the miners. There is good news, though. Read on to find out more.
Smart Ways to Invest in Real Estate in 2022
When it comes to investing in real estate, there are a number of ways to do so. It is important to have a clear idea of what your goals are. Are you looking to simply make a profit? Or, looking to invest in real estate for the long term? Once you know your goals, the smart way is to research and go for the best one.
Direct Consolidation Loan
If you are handling too many credit card companies and paying too-high interest rates, it may be time to consider a direct consolidation loan.
using trading bots - featured image
Simplify the process of trading and investing in today’s fast-paced world by using trading bots. Here, we give you a rundown of how much you’ll benefit if you take this advice.
Many a business owner is looking to make wise investments in order to build financial stability for his or her company. In this light you might have heard that gold is a stable investment. It is true that few assets can match its liquidity. Plus, its spiritual and cultural relevance around the world ensures that it will remain an integral part of the world economy. However, while gold is still a safe investment, it is not the wisest or most productive form of investment. Below is a list of reasons why you should reconsider investing in gold if you are looking for better returns and profit.
make money online - featured image
One of the positive effects of the pandemic lockdowns was the advent of many new opportunities to make money online. Here, we take a look at some of them.
Stellar Lumens
When the popular altcoin known as Stellar Lumens was first launched, it didn't receive nearly the amount of attention it receives today. However, the price of Stellar Lumens has skyrocketed over time. As a matter of fact, its swift rise has prompted crypto enthusiasts to herald it as one of the best cryptocurrency investments in 2018.
profit and loss
What it takes to calculate your crypto trading profit and loss is a mastery of the numbers. It doesn’t have to be hard, though, because we have sorted it all out. Just read and implement the information here for the best results.
Buying a house can let you design a sitting room like this one with a beautiful view that's filled with books and some comfortable couches and chairs.
Few investors would disagree that buying a house is one of the largest investments you will probably make, but it is one of the best ones. It not only has the benefit of giving you a private place of your own to live in, but it can help you to build wealth.
PPP loan fraud
Not all PPP loan recipients deserved to receive loan funds. Will you be among companies to face potential prosecution for PPP loan fraud?
online trading - featured image
Always remember that there is risk associated with trading. In this post, we discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks of online trading.
manage your finances
Financial stability isn’t that complicated. If you implement good financial habits, like sticking to your budget and investing your savings to build wealth, you will be able to manage your finances, even in precarious times.
help students online - featured image
Do you enjoy writing? Even better, do you have any training as a teacher or a teacher’s aide? Then you could help students online and earn money from home. Here’s how.
Bridging Loan
A bridging loan might be the best solution for you if you require funds within a short period. This financing option can help you proceed with a new business opportunity while waiting for financial stability from a previous one.