trading at home represented by a close-up photo of a computer monitor showing a trading chart
Embarking on a home-based trading business can be daunting. This article presents three essential tools you need to get you started for trading at home.
corporate asset distribution - featured image
Are your corporate headquarters planning on reopening soon? Before you can safely welcome employees back to the office, some things will have to change. In other words, you'll need to rethink corporate asset distribution.
part-time forex trader - featured image
Looking for a way to supplement your income? There are lots of good options to consider. However, perhaps none is better than becoming a part-time Forex trader.
Personal Brand - featured image
Most people normally associate the word “brand” with a business. However, a personal brand is a representation of who you are in the marketplace. It is a profile of your skills and passions out there for all the world to see. But how do you begin building your personal brand?
online loan - featured image
Online loans require minimal paperwork and are easy to qualify for, especially if you aren’t eligible for traditional loans. In this post we share a few tips to keep in mind while shopping for a suitable online lender.
Hankotrade represented by an image from the Hankotrade website
Established in 2018, Hankotrade Broker is an online trading platform that provides traders with exceptional features and peace of mind. Learn more here.
technical analysis
When it comes to speculating or investing in the financial markets, there are two main approaches. The first is fundamental analysis, and the other is technical analysis. These fields of study are different. Yet they point to the same goal of buying low and selling high.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay  Both fundamental analysis and technical analysis are important for trading. However, when you're talking with experienced, successful traders, you'll find that they seldom...
Korean art
In this article, we will delve into the reasons why investing in Korean art can be a wise and fulfilling choice. Join us on this journey as we discover why investing in Korean art is a decision that can bring both aesthetic pleasure and financial growth.
startup company
This post is for anyone struggling to figure out how to improve productivity in their startup company and convert leads into sales. Just go through this guide and find out what you have been missing.
Every small business needs to start building credit somewhere. Here’s what you can do to build your company’s business credit.
investment strategy
Numerous factors make it difficult to develop an investment strategy that will help you to raise capital for your business. Nevertheless, there are certain industries that provide substantial low-risk  investment opportunities. Develop your investment strategy around one or more of these industries.
Intensive research is a good way of determining which method of small business funding is right for your prospective business. You might even require a combination of different sources. However, the bottom line is finding the perfect fit to get your business off the ground.
bitcoin mining - featured image
In the early days of bitcoin mining, people were excited about the idea of digital currencies. They represented a decentralized, self-managed network in which the users themselves were in charge of the transactions. But mining bitcoin has changed radically since those times. Read on to learn more.
Stellar Lumens
When the popular altcoin known as Stellar Lumens was first launched, it didn't receive nearly the amount of attention it receives today. However, the price of Stellar Lumens has skyrocketed over time. As a matter of fact, its swift rise has prompted crypto enthusiasts to herald it as one of the best cryptocurrency investments in 2018.
coin - featured image
The fun part of the coin market is that you can own multiple cryptocurrencies on multiple platforms. The hard part is that it is tedious to keep track of all of your coins at the same time. However, you can manage some parts of this job through a crypto tracker.
small business loan
When is the right time to get a small business loan? Well, that depends. The right time might be when you expect to have a flurry of business and need to increase your inventory. Perhaps you need to hire more staff. Or maybe you’ll need a small business loan when you need to expand. On the other hand, maybe you’ll need a small business loan when you need some cash to cover unexpected expenses. But there are other factors to consider as well. For example, variations among industries and business types can also affect how you search for the right loan and when you should do so.
How to Get Equipment Financing
Businesses rely on various pieces of equipment to get their work done. For example, are you tasked with building a house or new business facility but lack the equipment you need to begin construction? Don’t worry. You can access equipment financing today.
best forex broker - featured image
Forex brokers help traders and investors who deal with international currencies. With their help, you can trade or invest in different currencies with different values. In this post, we provide some guidance to help you find the best forex broker for you.
Skip Tracing Solutions
Growing a business can be very rewarding and exciting. However, all sorts of issues can arise for businesses without the proper help. Learn how skip tracing solutions can help your business recover unpaid debts and build your success.