Marketing teams rack their brains trying to come up with strategies that will help them meet their key performance indicators (KPIs) and give the highest conversions. Here are five innovative B2B marketing strategies your business needs to take advantage of today.
TikTok- featured image
On April 15, 2021, TikTok changed its targeted ads policy. Here’s what TikTok users can expect now and how you can best respond.
video content
Ever since YouTube launched in 2005, the use of video content has grown apace. Now, any small business owner really needs to include video as a major part of their marketing efforts. That is, they need to do this if they want their business to be competitive in the market place. You cannot afford for your business to miss out on using this highly effective tool.
How Do Gaming Companies Implement Their Marketing Strategies?
The gaming industry is a wide and diverse sector that is expected to produce around $257 billion in revenue by 2025. It’s a seriously competitive area of commerce. That’s why effective marketing strategies are vital to future success for gaming companies.
Business Opportunities You Might Have Overlooked
As an aspiring entrepreneur, you are always on the lookout for new business opportunities. You want to be ready to seize upon a good one before it's too late. However, if you've been struggling to come up with ideas, here are some interesting ones.
free website - featured image
If you run any sort of business you really need an Internet presence. But if you're starting from nothing, you might be wondering, "Can I create a website for my business for free?"
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With mobile users reading an average of 50 push notifications to their phones each day, mobile marketing may be the way forward to reach your loyal customer base.
In the best of conditions growing a business can still be challenging. It requires hard work, skill, and even a bit of luck. Here are four ways to keep your business growing, even in adversity.
SEO company - featured image
So, what the heck is an SEO company, and how can one help you? You might be asking yourself these questions right now. In this article, learn about some of the ways in which an SEO company can benefit your business.
pay-per-click ppc
SEO dominates the world of organic online marketing. However, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising still has a place in business marketing, even in 2020.
online visibility represented by a confident businessman working at his home-based business
Increasing sales for your home-based business will be easier when you improve your online presence, and you can use various strategies to do that. Read the article here to learn about some of them.
publicize your business
There are many ways to publicize your business. With any of them, you can find ways of saving money. Here are some creative strategies for publicizing your business.
outsourcing SEO
Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay  As the owner of a small business you don’t have to become an expert in SEO, but you do need to invest in it....
TikTok - featured image
Here’s a riddle for you: What started in China and rapidly infected the entire planet but wasn't the coronavirus? That's right: TikTok. In this post, we tell you how to run ad campaigns on TikTok that won't waste your money.
How Different Industries Are Getting the Most out of Website Design
Website design has come a long way since its very earliest days just a few decades ago. Today, there are many different ways that various industries make effective use of website design.
people sitting around a conference table discussing SERP results
If some of your web pages once drew a lot of traffic but now do not, you probably need to revise the content on these pages to make them visible on the first page of the search engine results pages (SERPs) again. The more visible your website is to the user, the higher the conversion rate it can achieve.
website visitors
In this post, we share some tips to help you attract and keep website visitors on your site longer, as well as motivate them to take the actions you want them to take.
voice translations - featured image
In this post, we offer up a discussion about the benefits to businesses of voice translations, especially for companies that have an international presence. To put it bluntly, voice translations for your company’s videos will help you soar ahead of your competitors.
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Becoming an influencer marketer is not easy to do. It requires an ample amount of research, creativity, and hard work. However, it is worth it in the end. The following article discusses some tips on how to start a career in influencer marketing as a blogger.
mobile apps - featured image
One out of every two people in the world uses a smartphone, the most popular apps make over $200 million per day, and other freaky facts.