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Business for Beginners

Why is writing a resume so important in the first place? Here are the most important reasons why you should provider a strongly written resume when applying for your dream job.
Recruit the Best Talent to Your Company: 8 Tips
In today's highly competitive job market, recruiting the best talent can be challenging. To help entrepreneurs build their dream teams and recruit top talent for their companies, here are some simple tips that will ensure success.
Is My Husband Entitled to Half My Business If We Divorce?
Divorce can be a complicated process where dividing finances are concerned. This is especially true when one party owns a company. We take a look at how you can protect your business if your marriage breaks down.
Canadian fulfillment
If you run an e-commerce business and you are looking to save money, then third-party Canadian fulfillment is the answer. Not only will it mean you spend less money on shipping, storage, and staff, but it also creates more time that you can spend growing your business.
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Most startup entrepreneurs have more responsibilities and tasks than they can reasonably handle in an eight-hour workday. If you want to push productively toward the next stage of your business’s development and stay sane while you’re doing it, you need to employ strategies to save time.
5 Tips for a Successful Social Media Campaign
Are you looking to launch a successful social media campaign? If so, you're in luck! This article will discuss five tips to help you achieve your desired results.
cell tower
Cell towers affect us every day. What's more, with the rise of 5G, many more cell towers are being installed. As telecommunication companies clamor to win the race for 5G-compatible services, the number of cell towers is increasing to support the demand. Meanwhile, people continue to debate health concerns and where to put additional towers. However, one problem is being completely neglected. Cell tower leases are hugely undervalued for most landowners.
No matter the organization or the industry, there is always room for growth and learning. More businesses are implementing a learning management system into their environment, helping employees develop essential skills for the job.
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The music business is one of the toughest and most competitive industries out there. But if you manage to avoid some of the major mistakes so many labels commit when getting started, you’ll have a chance to make a space for yourself.
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Every business owner needs ways to unwind. Running a business is a fast-paced, relentless lifestyle to have chosen, after all. Is sports your thing? Do you have a favorite sport you like to play? A favorite team you love to watch on television or at the stadium? All of the above? In this post, we take a brief look at how the business of sports continues to evolve.
Independent contractors who work on major construction sites have a great deal to manage with regard to their business.
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Converting traffic and brand interest into paying B2B customers is a tough challenge. In this post we look at three tips that will help you improve your B2B conversion rates.
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Technology is a small-business owner’s best friend. In fact, the right technology will make it possible for your small business to be in direct competition with its larger competitors. Here is a short list of some of the technology you'll need for starting your small business.
Cryptocurrency Exchange
In today's economy, cryptocurrency continues to develop and flourish. What if you were to establish your own cryptocurrency exchange? Let's review the advantages this type of business can bring you.
Being a Mentor for Entrepreneurs
As a mentor, you play an essential role in helping entrepreneurs grow their business and achieve their goals. Here are five of the most important lessons Damon Becnel learned as a mentor for entrepreneurs.
attorney signs papers
Looking into buying an active business? Engage an effective attorney to avoid risks. Successful business acquisition requires expertise.
bulk bag company - featured image
When you are looking for bulk bag suppliers, it can be difficult to find the best bulk bag company. You want a bulk bag supplier who has high quality products and is reliable. In this post, we share some tips on how to pick the best bulk bag company for your needs.
If you’re currently in the process of moving from a full-time job into becoming a freelancer, you’re probably experiencing changes in every aspect of your life. The way you file taxes is also changing. Instead of having taxes deducted from your income, you now must navigate paying taxes as a business owner. Most people have the same questions about getting started on paying freelancer taxes. Here are some of the most common ones.
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3D printing has come a long way since Charles Hull invented the process. This article looks at a few of the many positive outcomes 3D printing has given us.
Accounting Practice
There’s something freeing and empowering about building your own accounting practice. It’s not easy, but it’s certainly rewarding. If you’re going to go through the effort, you might as well do it the right way.