Foreign knock-offs of American toys often wind up inadvertently parodying them. The low production value of a zombie-esque action figure and hilarious typos resulting from poor translation can almost make a toy more entertaining than...
USA TODAY: Reining in holiday spending gets complicated when your young children really believe that reindeer are involved. It's one thing to tell teenagers that money is tight this year and there will be slim pickings under...

Wild And Wacky Products

Somebody at sometime thought these items were a good idea. Combo Light Switch/Hook. Now lazy people can hang up their clothes and turn off the light in one step. Sandal/with bottle opener. Never know when you're gonna...

Pay Per Visit

Could you imagine how much money you would make if every salesman that came to your door had to pay $.10 before they could get your attention? Here's an old take on a unique...
According to Japanese researchers at the Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology in Tokyo, it is possible to identify drivers by the way their weight is distributed on the car seat. The team has developed a car...

Why I Didn’t Think Of That

Unique products to inspire and amuse. Shredder Scissors. You don’t even want to think about running with these. Underwear Repair Kits. You can blame the recession for this one. Bacon Belt. The neighborhood dogs will love you. Do My...
Here's a selection of the many offers available on It's a new web site that allows users to buy and sell services and products. Everything is $5. What would you do for...

Ig Nobel Prizes

npr: A bra that can be turned into two gas masks. Research into whether it's better to be hit over the head by an empty or full beer bottle. NPR reports on the Ig Nobel Prizes. They...
Usually when a celebrity couple has a baby, the only interest is among people who follow celebrity news and gossip. However, when Beyonce and Jay-Z decided to name their baby Blue Ivy, one small...
Ben Huh is the CEO of The Cheezburger Network, a ring of highly lucrative websites that curate and capitalize on Internet memes and macros. During the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, he sat down...
Unique products to amuse and inspire. Cardboard Box Beer. First wine, now beer. Say it ain't so! Post Pillow. So you can wake up in the morning with 'Loooooooser' written on your forehead. Measuring Tape Toilet Paper. What...

Why I Didn’t Think Of That

Unique Products To Inspire And Amuse. Now I can REALLY use my iPad. Soft, warm, blue and enormous, 'nuff said. Honey, I had a dream I was at Denny's. Heck, it worked for ZZ Top. These products are actually a...
Unique products to amuse and inspire. Carstache. Make your car look like Magnum PI. Shark Fin Ice Cubes. Best effect with Bloody Marys. Fruit Jackets. Tuxedos coming soon. Pet High Chair. Have a kid already! Photos by carstache/buzzfeed/holykaw.
Share this with your significant other, boss or mom, and show them that your desk really isn't that bad.
When in the course of business as usual, it becomes necessary for one people to dissovle the economic bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the...
Time: You know what's funnier than someone calling themself an "infotainer?" An infotainer ranting about pop-up business cards. Enter Joel Bauer, creator and star of the YouTube clip, "Your Business Card is CRAP!" "Looks like crap,...

The Top 5 Laziest Inventions

Random Hilarity: The Top 5 Laziest Inventions
Humans need to be involved in advertising decisions right now, but for how much longer?

Tugboat Ad

Unique products to inspire and amuse. Winkers. Buttock-eyes appear to wink at anybody following the wearer. 'Excuse me, your jeans are staring at me.' Electronic Bongo Drum T-Shirt. Touch sensitive drum T-shirt with built-in speaker. Babalu! Bacon Soap....